
Articles by A.Caxton

Classic Decorating Styles Defined

Other Articles    Posted on: June 3, 2007
I'm a great reader of mystery fiction from England, Dorothy Sayers and Agatha Christie and the rest of the queens of crime. They always reference the furniture in classic terms...but what do they really mean When you chat with a home decorator about the various styles that have been popular throughout the years, you hear a lot of terminology that you might not be too familiar with, or that you've only read about in books.
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Cleaning Hardwood Floors Durable

Other Articles    Posted on: June 3, 2007
Any type of floor requires care, whether it be bare hardwood floors or flooring covered with carpeting or linoleum or tile. Hardwood floors can be scratched by dirt, dented by high-heel shoes, or ruined by water, so care must be taken.
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Decorating Your Bathroom Made Easy

Other Articles    Posted on: June 3, 2007
The bathroom is the littlest room in the house, and it is always more difficult to decorate a small space than a large space, as anything out of place will stick out like a sore thumb. We present here ideas on how to decorate the bathroom.
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Decorating Bathrooms

Other Articles    Posted on: June 3, 2007
Decoration must take a back seat to design when it comes to the bathroom - one of the most important rooms in the house, and the most dangerous room to navigate for the elderly or mobility impaired. There are three elements in a Western full bathroom that will always be there - the sink, the bathtub and the toilet.
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Where To Find Japanese Decorations

Other Articles    Posted on: May 30, 2007
When one thinks of Africa, one thinks not of cities but of jungles and lions. Yet there are cities there. When one thinks of England one thinks not of cities but of castles and knights on armor. So it is with Japan - one thinks of castles and samurai, but not of modern day decorative trends.
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Mosaic Flooring Ideas

Other Articles    Posted on: April 24, 2007
Are you thinking of updating your flooring but you have no idea what you want to do Perhaps you want to add something a little different Maybe you are into art and you would like something which represents that interest in your home If this sounds like you then you may want to consider mosaic flooring.
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Which Decorating Styles Suit You

Other Articles    Posted on: April 24, 2007
There are so many decorating styles which you can go with when decorating your home. It is the small things that count and flowers as well as ornaments can help to brighten up any room. When thinking of decorating any room within the home, you need to remember that it should sum that room up and add character to it.
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Sunrooms: Worth The Investment Price

Other Articles    Posted on: February 14, 2007
Sunroom prices vary from $10,000 to $70,000, depending on the style, the location, and the quality of the materials used. You'll have to decide for yourself how much you want to spend. Your home is one of the largest and most expensive investments you can make.
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Landscaping Using The Right Accessories

Gardening Articles    Posted on: February 12, 2007
Even some of the best designed gardens can often be improved upon with the use of landscaping accessories. There are many different accessories to choose from and so you really shouldn't have a problem finding something to suit you.
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Keep Your Lawn Under Control With John Deere Tractors

Gardening Articles    Posted on: February 12, 2007
John Deere tractors are probably the most popular forms of tractors around today. Created for all kinds of different uses, not everybody knows that you can also purchase a tractor for your own residential use.
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