
Articles by Britt Gillette

The Nationality Of The Antichrist

Religion and Inspiration Articles    Posted on: February 9, 2008
One of the great mysteries concerning bible prophecy and the end times is the national identity of the Antichrist. This is an important topic because it will eventually aid the last days generation of Christians in the correct identification of the Antichrist.
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The Tribulation: What The Bible Says

Religion and Inspiration Articles    Posted on: February 9, 2008
The bible states that in the time just prior to the Glorious Appearing of Jesus Christ, the world will experience a time of unprecedented trial and tribulation. This seven year period is referred to by most Christians as "the tribulation.
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The New Jerusalem

Religion and Inspiration Articles    Posted on: February 9, 2008
One of God's most wonderful promises to those who love Him is the creation of the new Jerusalem, a place of unimaginable beauty and perfection. In fact, Jesus promised to go ahead of His followers and prepare a place for them in the new Jerusalem, and the Old Testament heroes who exhibited unwavering faith in the Word of God had their eyes trained on this future city, a place where justice would reign and righteousness would endure for all of eternity.
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Material Abundance In The End Times

Religion and Inspiration Articles    Posted on: February 9, 2008
The world of the post-Industrial Revolution is one of vast material wealth, where average citizens enjoy a lifestyle that in generations past would have been the envy of kings and queens. Yet, in spite of this great material prosperity, most of the world ignores God, believing Him to be irrelevant in their quest for personal happiness.
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The Eastern Gate (The Messiah's Gate)

Religion and Inspiration Articles    Posted on: February 8, 2008
In the near future, the world will witness the most awesome event in all of human history. Jesus Christ will physically return to earth in order to exact vengeance on the enemies of God. Known as the "Commander of Heaven's Armies," Christ will appear in sky like lightning, and every eye will see Him.
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The Birth Of The Messiah

Religion and Inspiration Articles    Posted on: February 8, 2008
Each year, millions of people throughout the world celebrate Christmas. The stated purpose for so doing is to celebrate the birth of the Messiah. But in a world preoccupied with materialism - in a pop culture that inundates its citizens with a 24-hour barrage of Santa Claus, shopping malls, talking snowmen, and red-nosed reindeer - many seem to have forgotten the true purpose of Christmas: remembrance and celebration of the Messiah's birth.
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The Eternal Rewards Of Jesus Christ

Religion and Inspiration Articles    Posted on: February 6, 2008
What does your eternal future hold For most Christians, the blessed hope is that once the rapture occurs or they depart from this world after death, they will spend eternity in heaven with Jesus Christ.
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Deception In The End Times

Religion and Inspiration Articles    Posted on: February 6, 2008
According to bible, the end times will be marked by widespread deception, counterfeit miracles, and the appearance of false prophets. Each of these evils will contribute to an atmosphere that will deceive an untold number of people throughout the world.
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The Coming Of The Prophet Elijah

Religion and Inspiration Articles    Posted on: February 6, 2008
Prior to the arrival of Jesus Christ, the nation of Israel endured several hundred years of silence from the Lord. The Old Testament prophets who had in days past delivered regular messages from God Almighty suddenly went silent.
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The Abomination Of Desolation

Religion and Inspiration Articles    Posted on: February 6, 2008
In the near future, an event of enormous significance will transpire in Jerusalem, the effects of which will resound throughout the world and throughout eternity. A man will ascend the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, go into the Holy of Holies within the rebuilt Jewish Temple, and proclaim himself to be God Almighty.
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