
Articles by Dane Fletcher

Acne & Bodybuilding - Vital Information

Health Articles    Posted on: July 15, 2008
For most of us, acne is something we have to deal with in the teenage years. Remember getting that pimple on your nose the same week as prom? Remember when stress of finals or the grease from school lunches would cause massive breakouts at the most socially inopportune time? Well, for most of us, those days are behind us.
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Bodybuilding And Effects Upon The Prostate

Health Articles    Posted on: July 15, 2008
Ask any teenager the effects of steroids, and his mainstream media brainwashing will likely cause him to respond with the three most commonly cited side effects. The first side effect mentioned will likely be liver damage.
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Bodybuilding Drug Tests

Health Articles    Posted on: July 15, 2008
Many bodybuilding federations claim to be natural. However, the winners of the classes in these events tend to display levels of muscularity and conditioning not attainable without chemical assistance.
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Can Taking Supplements Stunt Bone Growth?

Health Articles    Posted on: July 15, 2008
Do steroids stunt bone growth? It's long been used as a deterrent for potential steroid users. But is it true? Yes and No. Steroids can stunt growth, and steroids can create new growth. Let's delve into each argument.
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Does Roid Rage Actually Exist? An Analysis.

Health Articles    Posted on: July 15, 2008
When an untrained person thinks of bodybuilders, they typically think of two things: Arnold, and “roid rage”. Arnold Schwarzenegger is a world-famous bodybuilder, actor, and politician, and the association with bodybuilding is a positive thing.
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Effects Of Human Growth Hormone On Sports Performance

Health Articles    Posted on: July 15, 2008
Human growth hormone has become extremely popular in recent years. Until recently, it was very loosely monitored and dispensed freely by “anti-aging clinics”. Once it was discovered that men and women of all ages and walks of life " from young Olympia athlete, to professional football player, to active grandmother " were partaking in the HGH fountain of youth, its use was quickly regulated.
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Forcing The Issue: Forced Reps & Rest-Pause Training

Health Articles    Posted on: July 15, 2008
The point of bodybuilding training is to continually challenge the body to perform in new ways. We do this by presenting it with new challenges. Different exercises, exercise order, set or repetition schemes, and total poundage used.
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Priority Training

Health Articles    Posted on: July 15, 2008
Most bodybuilders follow one of the standard workout routines. They might start the week with chest/triceps day. Next might be back/biceps. Follow that with a shoulder day, then a leg day, and you have the standard workout routine.
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Solving Mineral Deficiencies For Better Gym Performance

Health Articles    Posted on: July 15, 2008
Most bodybuilders get enough protein in their diet. We might have to jump from a moving train, parachute from a climbing plane, or eat it from the whey container plain, but we’re getting our required daily grams of protein.
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Tips For Boosting The Metabolism

Health Articles    Posted on: July 15, 2008
Whether it is a middle-aged soccer mom, or a young competitive bodybuilder, a goal common among most people in the gym is a faster metabolism. The metabolism controls the basal metabolic rate - or how many calories you burn daily.
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