
Articles by John P. Thompson

Useful information about Weight Loss Part 1

Travel Articles    Posted on: March 29, 2008
The unknown of life is someone everyone has to deal with, especially when traveling domestically or abroad.That's why the smart people always ensure they buy travel insurance before going on such trips.

The Hank Paulson Traveling Medicine Show

Government Articles    Posted on: December 30, 2007
I arrived a little early and got a front row seat. I was pleased because this was the first of one of these events I had attended and I didn’t want anything or anyone to obstruct my view. I surmised that body language, facial expressions, and attire would be key elements in evaluating the participants.
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Getting through the Holidays

Family Articles    Posted on: December 8, 2006
As I sit here with the echoes of Thanksgiving still in my head I am pondering the upcoming Christmas Holiday. I am just getting over those incessant political ads that graced the airwaves telling me how every candidate is bad and if they are all to be believed, not one of them is worthy of my vote.
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