
Articles by Tom Mcintosh

A new search engine: Unamoo's Objectives

Internet Articles    Posted on: April 1, 2008
As a parent and professional, you know the importance of finding a safe search engine that will keep you and your children safe from unsavory and suspicious content like adult web sites, phishing sites and virus web sites.
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Unamoo: The Invention of a Safer Search Engine

Internet Articles    Posted on: April 1, 2008
When you're on the internet, it's difficult to decide which search terms are safe and which are going to lead you to adult content web sites, sites with harmful downloads that can easily phish (pronounced fishing) your personal information or distribute harmful viruses.

How Unamoo Works

Internet Articles    Posted on: March 31, 2008
You know that you have to do a search on the female form for an art project and you’re a little bit worried. Aside from having to do hours of research, you’re thinking about the time you’re about to waste desperately trying to wade through the cleverly disguised adult content images and web pages on Google’s huge set of search results, pages that potentially phish your identity or distribute viruses.
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