Going back into education
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5 Effective Work Habits For Fresh Graduates
Being new in the working world, I am sure you are eager to show off your newfound skills and knowledge. However, out there in the working world some basic work effective habits can increase your productivity. By being consistently effective at your work increases your chances of success in your career.
Top Five Habits for Career Success at Entry Level
I am blessed to have some of the best bosses coach me when I first entered the working world. They passed to me what seemed like, at that time - pretty obvious things one would do when in the working world. What seemed pretty obvious as habits for career success isn't always so. As you start on your career path you begin to forget some of the basic habits.
HOW TO EASILY GET A JOB: The Common Mistakes Made By A Job Seeker.
Would you like to learn how you can easily get a job? Imagine finishing your university studies completely confident and prepared for the job market--- Knowing all that will be required of you as a job seeker. Now I want you to imagine being completely in control of the outcome of your job search activities and landing the job of your dreams, which will make you happy and comfortable.
6 Job Interview Mistakes to Avoid
1. You Talk - too much The advantages of the fact that you are open to discussions and you are decided to persuade the fact that you are the best can turn against you. There is the risk of boring the other person with so many details and you can even look like you don't have the cap city to concentrate on one given subject.
Five Things to do while Waiting for a Job Interview
You have arrived at your appointment for a job interview two hours early because you didn't want to be late. Now you have found the place where the company told you they would meet you for the interview but you have time on your hands. What should you do? Go across the street for another cup of coffee to calm your nerves? Read the Good Housekeeping magazine sitting on the table in the lobby? Go to the ladies room and look for makeup smudges? You can use this gift of free time to help prepare yourself for the best interview you have ever had.
The Write Way To Get The Job You Want
All job seekers ultimately ask one basic question - "Why do I need a good resume?" The answer is simple. You need a good resume to market yourself, have a written record of your skills and accomplishments and to sow the seeds of interest in the minds of recruiters and potential employers. In short, if you want a rewarding, fulfilling career, you need a good resume.
You Aren't Single Dimensional - So Why Is Your Resume?
Choosing a resume style is as difficult or easy as choosing the most suitable dress or suit for that all-important interview. It is all too simplistic to say that a one 'jacket fits all' strategy will work for everyone when deciding what resume style to use - still, most job seekers take this approach and use a functional resume, even when it may not be well suited to their specific situation.
I'm now going back into education, swotting it out in a virtual learning environment. I've enrolled on a Distance Learning course, with my computer as the primary tool, with coursework, research and even classes conducted via the Internet. I wouldn't call it exactly the e-learning revolution, because I don't get carried away with the swishy image of online learning, but it is useful and far more practical than having to beat the traffic and grab time off work to go into a college every day. My online course is an ideal way to extend my post graduate diploma into a masters degree, and it costs miles less than actually going to college, because most of the work I'm going to do from home.
There are lots of pros and cons about online learning but it's all hypothetical. I simply told my employer that I would benefit from work-based learning. My boss got the budget for it and we worked out that I would spend more time commuting than actually attending classes if I'd physically gone into a college. Employers look for learning that benefits the work of their staff, obviously, but it's a win-win situation because it increases my knowledge and skills - I hope.
My subject of online study covers sales management and marketing. The main advantages of covering these subjects in a virtual learning environment are flexibility and saving time. Because I'm going into work each day anyway I'm not going to be stuck at home all day, and I can shift the study around my work priorities.
Of course, me being me, my gripes are that I do like the social networking side to college life, or even just the little things like sitting in the cafeteria having a natter with some course mates.
Although I've done that in the past, and I'll probably do another work related course in that way again, but for now a bit of distance learning is just what is needed.
Yet a week into my online education, and although I'm covering a lot ground and saving a whole lot of stress, things are flying at work. I'm stuck behind 3 nights in a row and don't get home until 10pm. This is ridiculous, I'm supposed to be getting home to relaxation, dinner, and a couple of hours online study, busily using my e-resources, but I'm far too knocked out to do much more than make a cup of cocoa.
But I sit down and force myself to work. I think of those less fortunate than myself, who've faced far greater challenges in going back into education, and consider myself quite privileged to have my own company pay for the course.
A couple of months into the course, and so far I really can't see much of a problem with online classes. You get the same information either way, and although your tutor is a figure on a screen, there is a strong sense of engagement with the subject, because, after all, you are studying what you want to do.
About the Author
David Rates is taking marketing courses and is about to get an Online Degree.
Source: Career Articles on ArticlesTree.com
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