
Is he dating you for sex

Posted by: Che'rie Nelson    Posted on: April 1, 2008

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It may be hard to tell in the beginning.

He may charm you and make everything romantic. If sex is all he cares about, it may show up after several dates or maybe even a couple months.

Does he take you anywhere or just spend time at your place.

Does it seem like he doesn't want to spend the money or just don't like to go out, that's something to look forward to, isn't it.

Does he talk to you or just watch TV and then wants to head for the bedroom before saying he's got to go.

Do you even care if it's a sex only relationship and just want to use each other.

What happens if you get pregnant Even with protection, it can happen. Will he be there for you and will you want to spend a life with someone like that and raise kids by him.

What if he is having sex only relationships with others and gives you a disease.

Do you enjoy yourself with him or does he make you hope for more.

Take a look at your friends and see if they have relationships that you would like to have. Have they told you about the things they talk about and the places they go with their dates. You can have this too.

Don't settle for less when yu can have more. There is no reason to think you don't deserve better and there is no reason to think that you won't find other dates that will treat you like you are worth it.

About the Author

Che'rie Nelson is the author of How to check on your date and find out what he won't tell you. Find out without him knowing, go to

Source: Dating Articles on

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