The Deep Inner Game of An Alpha Male
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An alpha male by definition is a domineering man or the dominant man in a society. The opposite of an alpha male is a beta male. Beta male on the other hand is a typical male in societies which holds not much of power and follow the orders of an alpha male. Unfortunately, most males in our societies are beta males. But you have the choice to become an alpha male and this article will guide you to discovering what is going on inside of an alpha male.
What makes up an alpha male An alpha male basically have high self esteem and high self confidence. Unlike many guys on this planet who have no idea what their purpose is on this planet, an alpha knows exactly what he is doing and know what he really wants in life. A guy with a goal and ambition in life is extremely addictive and attractive. An alpha male also possesses leadership qualities and take full responsibility of his own life.
Knowing a rough picture of what an alpha male is made of, let's move on to some ways and techniques to help you become one. Let's say you have difficulty in approaching women which most men do. Alpha male don't feel or feel little fear or nervousness when approaching women. That is because they are confident of themselves and they are comfortable in their own skin. One way to increase your confidence and to overcome your fear and nervousness when approaching women is to practice approaching women. You do not necessary need only to approach attractive women, you can approach any kind of women and have a small chat with them.This not only gets rid of the fear of approaching women but also increases your confidence.
Besides approaching women, you can also practice doing positive self-affirmations. This tool is a great way to increase you confidence as your mind will begin to believe in what you say after numerous times. However, when you are saying it, avoid at all costs using any negative words. Do not say your sentence like "I am not low in self-esteem." Instead, say it like "I love myself and I have high self-esteem." Or you can say one of my favorites lines "I am a high value alpha male"
Besides positive self-affirmations, you can also perform creative visualization. Base on the context of becoming an alpha male, creative visualization in this case is visualizing yourself being an alpha male. Before you even start visualizing, you first need to have a mental picture of what an alpha will look like, how will he dress, walk or even talk. If you really have no idea how an alpha male will behave, watch James Bond movie or The Fight Club. These are perfect movies that portray the characteristics of an alpha male. Every night, before you head off to sleep, visualize yourself becoming an alpha male and soon you will start to behave like one.
About the Author
To learn more about being an Alpha Male
or especially about becoming the Alpha Male that Naturally Scores With Women... please visit
the Become The Alpha Male Now Blog!
Source: Dating Articles on
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You Can Capture Attention Online
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