
What Are The Causes Of Bad Dreams

Posted by: Michael McGrath    Posted on: July 18, 2008

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Everyone has unpleasant dreams sometimes. But what are the causes of bad dreams?

Were you aware that about 5% of us regularly experience a nightmare? Nightmares are like other dreams except they involve higher levels of danger and fear. It is the lacking of control feeling in these dreams which makes us want to know the causes of bad dreams to eliminate them.

All dreaming occurs during the REM sleep - rapid eye movement. Nightmares, as opposed to most other dreams, can produce very real physical effects. The dream's pulse rate can increase and he/she can display physical characteristics that are only apparent during stress.

Even though there are many theories about it we really do not know for certain how to identify the causes of bad dreams.

One theory suggests that inner worries or fears or the need to release everyday pressures is where the causes of bad dreams lies. The eminent psychologist Sigmund Freud was fascinated by dreams and believed that the main causes of bad dreams were repressed or suppressed fear.

Traumatic life experiences can often be a key factor in the causes of bad dreams.

Another common factor in the causes of bad dreams is illness. This is often worsened by the introduction of medicine into the body which can be one of the causes of bad dreams being more more frequent.

The causes of bad dreams that lead them to be more vivid than normal dreams is not known. One possible explanation may be that we remember a nightmare more quickly than a normal dream due to its upsetting nature. Mary Shelly is well documented as having written Frankenstein after a particularly vivid nightmare. However, nightmares can become problematic or undesirable if they are recurring.

People who are very sensitive to the views and opinions of others have nightmares much more frequently than those who are not. These people are more likely to become upset and emotionally disturbed if someone criticizes them and this could be one of the causes of bad dreams to be more frequent for them.

Prolonged negative thinking can be a factor in what the causes of bad dreams are. The processing of the negative images and feelings that a person creates throughout the day can be behind the causes of bad dreams.

To eliminate nightmares you can do a few things. Do not watch violent or scary shows for a few hours before bed. Avoid the news late at night as a negative images are often the causes of bad dreams.

You can learn to control your dreams regardless of whatever causes of bad dreams.

As well as avoiding negatives you can seek out positives. Find something inspiring to do a few hours before bedtime. Watch a fun film or read a light-hearted book. You can also visualize your perfect scene or think of some peaceful place you love as you drift off to sleep. Remember one of the biggest causes of bad dreams is bombarding your senses with negativity just before you sleep.

If you want to know more about controlling your dreams or want to learn how to do it click on the link causes of bad dreams!

About the Author

Michael is a university graduate with over 23 years expereience in personal development and hypnosis.

Source: Education Articles on

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