
Bean Bags - What are these?

Posted by: Pattrick Jhonson    Posted on: April 1, 2008

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Beanbag is a bag sealed with PVC pellets or dried beans in it. These bags have its roots in the coffee plantations where workers used bags, half filled with coffee beans to rest their head on it while taking a snap. They are quite comfortable and have been promoted to be a commercial product because of its great comfort level. The demand for this product is rising day by day. They are used in manufacture of furniture. Among the furniture Bean Bag chairs are very popular. Though made using fabric, it contains PVC pellet and Styrofoam in it. These chairs were available in market as early as in 1960's and 70's. It was called mod furniture those days. These chairs filled with polyurethane foam were available in market by mid 90's. These chairs are known by names like Oversized Sac or Physics Bag by enthusiasts.

These bags are also used in gaming. There is a tossing game using these bags that is similar to quoits and horseshoes. Toss game will have two targets and one set bean bags. It is played with these bags and two goals. Foot bag which is a Bean bag in the shape of ball is used for gaming purpose. It is used for juggling also. Bean bag gaming is very popular among the kids now a days. There are a Wide variety of innovative games using the bean bags.

There has been a transition in the material used in Beanbags due to many reasons. First thing is the comfort level. Availability of materials like polyurethane foam in the shredded state, which gave greater comfort, replaced the beans and Styrofoam from the bags. There was another aspect which led to this transition. Polystyrene and Styrofoam beads had the problem of clinging. In case these beads popped out and tore the fabric it would cling to clothing. Another aspect was that there is a probability of small kids inhaling it which causes suffocation.

The new range of these products use this shredded foam of polyurethane. Products like love sac, foof chair and comfy sack are the new generation of these products. It is also a product suitable for gifting to your loved and dear ones. So, if you still don't own this type of bag or you are in a state of confusion as to what item should you give to a dear friend or one of your family members as a gift, just go for a bean bag this time.

About the Author

Bean bags might also be used for gaming purposes. Love sac are one of the most popular new generation beagbag products.

Source: Gardening Articles on

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