
History of Love Sac and its invention

Posted by: Pattrick Jhonson    Posted on: April 1, 2008

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Most of the people will be ignored about what is a love sac. If we ask hundred people about what is a love sac, one or two person will give the right answer. The most suitable answer for the question, what is a love sac is that it is a giant bean bag. Some people are not aware about these bags even. Before getting information about these sacks we should know about what is a beanbag. Both them are same in appearance but the only difference in between them is the size difference.

Love sac is huge than a beanbag. Using tons of Styrofoam beads, which is tiny in size, makes it. Actually they are bags filled with foam, which is similar to a beanbag. The idea of making a sac is made by a teenager named Shawn David Nelson who was getting bored while watching TV. The idea of making a love sack was made in the year nineteen ninety five. At the time of getting idea of a giant bean David Nelson was sitting in a couch. Then suddenly something struck in his mind and he thought about some creative ideas to watch TV. The result was this type of sac.

In the year nineteen ninety five Shawn David Nelson got the idea of making a most suitable means for watching TV and got the idea of a sac. Suddenly he went to the fabric shop for getting some stuff for the creative formation of his ideas. He started making these sacs with some obvious materials around his home. After his new invention Shawn had made lots of sacs in various designs and soon Shawn and his giant bean bag became popular. Then Shawn came to know about the potential market for the huge bags made by him in the society and came up with his new product named 'Love Sac' in to the market.

Shawn started some franchisees for selling his giant bean bag and started a chain of sac stores. There is an increased demand for extra large foam filled bags in the market. Love sac has discovered this demand and became popular. Soon after seeing the increased demand for love sac other competitors have arrived for making beanbags similar to the love sac. Shawn David Nelson gave the name 'Business Backward to his organic approach to business.

About the Author

Love sacs are nothing but a huge bean bag. Also know more about beanbags on authors site.

Source: Gardening Articles on

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