Benefits of Clay Pack
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Naturopathy is widely used now days in healing several major and minor ailments. The main reasons are its effectiveness and simplicity. It is also free from harmful side-effects. One of the popular and widely used naturopathic procedures is clay pack.
Clay pack
The importance of clay or mud as an external therapeutic or a healing agent challenges that of water itself. Clay has been found effective in constipation, diarrhea, fever, stomachache, duodenal and intestinal ulcers, bleeding of the uterus, piles, fissures, appendicitis, irregularity in menstruation, gastritis and such other disorders. The beneficial effects of the use of clay on boils, wounds, pain or swellings have been found to exceed all expectations.
Clay is generally used as a paste, to be applied directly as a salve, on in the form of a pack, or as poultice. Usually, clay paste is applied to the abdomen or other regions of the body which exhibit symptoms of the disorder.
Benefits of clay pack -
1. Cooling of the affected part - The cooling effect of a mud pack is much greater than that of a wet pack. In case of high fever, the temperature can be brought down with the help of a mud pack. Of course, the mud pack will have to be changed frequently till the desired lowering of temperature is effected.
2. Reduction of swelling - A clay pack will reduce the swelling of any of the body. This property of clay is well worth trying out by application of clay packs to swollen feet, or other parts.
3. Relaxation of tension - A clay pack reduces the tension of the muscles and soothes over stimulated nerves.
4. Absorption of toxins - Clay has the wonderful and unique property of absorbing toxins from the body. If clay is applied to a boil or a suppurating wound, the pus is quickly drawn out and the wound gets cleaned up.
5. Relief from pain - Application of clay paste or mud pack affords immediate relief from localized pain.
Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.
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About the Author
Nick Mutt
Source: Health Articles on
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