Discover Chiropractic for Joint Pain
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Most people believe chiropractors are only helpful with back or neck problems. Although chiropractic has been shown to improve back and neck pain in a short period of time it can also help with other joint problems. Chiropractors are involved with preventative medicine and help with proper function of every joint as well as maintain proper functioning of the nervous system. The nervous system controls every organ, muscle, tissue, and gland in your body directly or indirectly! Most often this begins with chiropractors treating problems before they arise and working to prevent them in the future, rather than only masking symptoms as with medications or surgery. Almost every movement of an individual’s skeletal system is vulnerable to subluxations, or bones out of place putting pressure on nerves, that can negatively impact their body’s normal operation and ability to perform under stress.
How does chiropractic care return an individual to normal function? Consider this:
1. Chiropractors restore proper motion of spinal bones, thus aiding in reducing nerve irritation and degeneration, thus allowing the body to heal by itself.
2. Improper motion of spinal bones can also lead to other joints losing their regular movement and position. These are called compensations.
3. Using a chiropractor results in improvement of both subluxations, as well as pain and inflammation without the use of unnecessary drugs or surgery.
Chiropractic care can help parts of the body you may not have been aware of. These include the following:
1. Popping or clicking in the jaw (TMJ). Chiropractors help individuals with Temporal Mandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJ). Most people never think about it, but the ability to speak, chew and swallow or even yawn is a result of the jaw acting as a hinge to connect the mandible with the skull. TMJ occurs when the disc (hinge) becomes displaced. The results are that the opening and closing of the mouth will become difficult, if not treated immediately TMJ may lead to more severe problems. A grinding or crunching sound is audible when an individual opens or closes their mouth. Chiropractors work to solve problems caused from TMJ by implementing a detailed study of the problem, followed by individual treatment to realign the joint and improve overall function by letting the body heal.
2. Wrists. Carpal tunnel syndrome is the result of micro-traumas to the hands and wrists. These micro-traumas are often caused by vibration and continuous motions as a result of day-to-day repetitive work situations. Spinal subluxations and other joint dysfunction can result in symptoms similar to carpal tunnel, thus making it one of the harder conditions to diagnose. The symptoms of carnal tunnel include pain, numbness, tingling, and loss of strength in the hands. Identifying the problem early can help avoid surgery.
3. Shoulders. Shoulder problems often begin in the area where nerves branch from the spinal cord and exit the neck. Shoulder pain may be accompanied by fatigue, along with numbness or tingling in the wrists or hands. Chiropractic care has been shown to help in this area.
4. Elbow. Usually known as “tennis elbow,” lateral epicondylitis is an injury that impacts an individual’s dominant art as a result of repeated strain and irritation on the joint. But problems are not limited only to tennis players and may result in pain for carpenters, mechanics, painters and others who perform actions that involve repeated motions of the wrists and/or forearms. An elbow subluxation or fixation can even mask the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome explaining why some carpal tunnel surgeries fail because they do not address the elbow problem.
5. Hips. Hip bones and sacrum (the “pelvic girdle”) are the foundation of an individual’s spine and adjustments by chiropractors can greatly improve their motion, as well as take the pressure off the nerves which can cause numbness and tingling down the legs.
6. Ankles. You may not realize it, but the joint that is most often injured in individual’s body is the ankle. Weak arches result in bones of the foot dropping to an unstable position, increasing stress on the foot. Addressing the problem involves adjusting malfunctioning joints in the feet.
About the Author
Dr. Hans Freericks owns Discover Chiropractic in Fremont and Union City, CA. He has been a Fremont Chiropractor since 1995. You can call Dr. Hans and his staff at or visit them at 3100 Capital Ave, Ste C, Fremont, CA 94538.
Source: Health Articles on
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