
How to Find the Best Anti Wrinkle Eye Cream

Posted by: Margaret Taylor    Posted on: July 18, 2008

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You should be sure to shop carefully for anti wrinkle eye cream. The materials used by manufacturers should be safe and all natural. That's really important around the eyes, because the skin there is more sensitive, but the eyes themselves can also be irritated.

I read a lot of product reviews and I have seen more adverse reactions from anti wrinkle eye cream, than from other cosmetics. They tend to cause irritation, burning and/or itching, either of the skin, the eyes, or both.

Most manufacturers warn that you should avoid contact with the eyes, but that can be pretty difficult because you are apply this anti wrinkle eye cream all around them. The worst reactions seem to come from the ones that are designed for use at night.

It’s a good idea to use a night cream, because most of the damage that is done during the day is repaired while you sleep. Your body is an amazing rejuvenating machine, as long as it has the right tools, and sleep is one thing that it needs.

But, if an anti wrinkle eye cream interrupts your sleep, then it won’t be effective. In fact, it might even make you look worse.

Most companies suggest that you should use something different if you skin is naturally too oily or too dry. But, the best anti wrinkle eye cream works well for any skin type. It’s all about the ingredients.

Ingredients to AVOID-- *Alcohols *Petrolatum (Petroleum Jelly) *Mineral Oil

Most of the major manufacturers rely on alcohols and petrolatum. Alcohol is drying, so they may include less of it for dry skin. When used as an ingredient in anti wrinkle eye cream , it will cause irritation and make the eyes water. You’ll end up with red eyes and still have those crow’s feet.

Petrolatum is a mineral oil derivative. It is not very compatible with the skin’s own oil or sebum, so it clogs the pores and changes the pH balance. If use on a regular basis, it may increase either oiliness of dryness, because it is just not the right moisturizer for people.

One popular designer anti wrinkle eye cream contains paraffin wax, which is the primary ingredient in chap-stick. It’s supposed to “lock in” moisture. All it does is clog the pores and night creams that contain it “migrate” into the eyes while you sleep, so you may have to get up and wipe the whole thing off. What a waste!

Best Manufacturer That I Found

There is one anti wrinkle eye cream that contains two ingredients that have been evaluated by the Electronic Self-Regulating Program for effectiveness. The system reported that the claims made by the company were valid.

This anti wrinkle eye cream targets the main cause of bags and puffiness, which is fluid build-up, caused by decreased circulation. It also targets the dark circles, which is also due to decreased circulation. You should see the before and after pictures.

Ingredients You MUST Have:

The active compounds are called EYELISS and HALOXYL, but the company also includes an ingredient called Functional Keratin and a vitamin like substance called COQ10. This is not a department store or designer anti wrinkle eye cream. It is actually manufactured by a supplement company in New Zealand.

You may have to do a little searching to find it. See Resource Box. It is only sold directly by the manufacturer. But, if you want a safe and effective anti wrinkle eye cream, it is worth the effort.

About the Author

Margaret Bell is a dedicated advocate of living a healthy lifestyle and diligent researcher of skin care systems. Visit her site at: to discover which genuinely natural skin care line Margaret recommends and uses after extensive comparisons. Be sure to sign up for her free health newsletter. This article may be reprinted on a blog or website if this resource box is included.

Source: Health Articles on

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