Lets Get The Most Out Of Life
More Motivational Articles
Cricket In The Wall - Waiting and Hoping
There is a cricket in my wall this morning! It is a very energetic cricket, continuously chirping to let me know he is there. The cricket has been at this now for hours. I wonder if he is tired! I also wonder if there are any other crickets in my wall! Knowing my two sons, it is highly likely that they brought the cricket inside and let it go.
FAQs on Temperament and Personality
A.Can you change your personality? You cannot change your basic temperament styles but you can influence your behaviors and thereby your personality. The biggest mistake I've seen is someone who has "put on" behaviors that were not theirs' naturally until it has become habitual. It is almost always obvious and often painful.
Reclaiming Our Resilient Spirit
Our spirits are taking a beating. The daily barrage of bad news, violence, shrinking resources, global warming, and economic slowdown can put us in a state of frustration and paralysis. Some days, getting out of bed can be a challenge. Within the word "resilience" are actions we can take to reclaim our bounce-back ability.
Adventuring-We All Need to Do it!
Even in times when we are being encouraged to be more careful there is a part of each of ourselves that needs adventure and daring. I certainly know that I have that part of me-it craved travel when I was young and nagged at me until I went to Europe on my own with a friend at 20. And it still nags at me.
Dreaming of Department Stores
I would like to share a childhood dream of my own that came true, and how it sparked many wonderful enchanted memories!Recently we took a short vacation break that included three nights in London. But where to stay? My husband mentioned hotel names to me that the supplier had offered. I couldn't help but be intrigued with the name "Selfridge's".
The Importance of Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is the most important holiday of the year.Oh, sure, Christmas is grand, and I know it has many, many fans. I'm not knocking Christmas, but Thanksgiving is more important. And Easter has its fans, too. Rebirth is a wonderful thing, but I still say Thanksgiving is more important. Yes, the kids might put in a good word for Halloween.
Giving Thanks for Online Opportunities?
Giving Thanks for Online Opportunities? © 2002 by Liz Hekimian-Williams Have you noticed that during the holidays a lot of us start reflecting about our lives more? We think about the meaning of life, our hopes and dreams, things we regret, and things we're thankful for. I've actually caught myself recently feeling thankful about my computer and all the opportunities being online has brought into my life personally and in business.
"If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got." - Jackis "Moms" Mabley
How true is that! Most of us live on a schedule that is basically planned out from day to day, and month to month. If that makes you happy and provides for the ones you love most, the I would recomend doing what youve always done. But, what if you are the one who often gets upset at what life has to offer? What if you are unhappy with the results of your day to day routine? I've been this person for most my adult life. I have grown to learn that things want change unless I try to change things. I said try, because most of us can't change our lives or routines overnight. There are so many opportunities out here waiting for us to take advantage. Sometime it is just simple things that can help ( exercise, prayer, volunteering time, etc.). Life is precious, beautiful, and a blessing that we take for grantite. We can do so much more than we feel we are capable of doing. We can give so much more than we feel we are capable of giving. Giving doesn't have to consist of money in the physical form. Mentally we can challenge ourselves to recognize each opportunity that we have to give. After all, giving is better than recieving, and it feels so good when someone says "Thank You". So, Lets Get The Most Out Of Life!
About the Author
I work from home, for more info visit: http://havefaithdaily.blogspot.com
Source: Motivational Articles on ArticlesTree.com
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