
The law of attraction, Toronto, Canada

Posted by: Elena Krasnova    Posted on: March 29, 2008

More Motivational Articles

The Man Who Walked On Water
Copyright 2006 Donovan Baldwin Nope! Not who you think it is. However, I was there, and I saw it happen. So did several other people. At the time, I just put it down as a highly unusual occurance, and over the years I forgot about it. A few of years ago, it came back to mind, and I realized that it had influenced me in a small but significant way over the last 25 years or so.

Thinking Positive Brings Many Rewards
Before the age of twenty-two I used to think I was one of the most unluckiest people in the world. My life seemed to be such a struggle compared to other people who seemingly breezed through life. I was caught up in a web of negativity and needed someone or something to help me to escape. Then I met a man who was around fifty while working on a project at work.

The Eight Keys of Creative Leaders
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Why Should You Find Your Life's Purpose?
Many spiritual traditions revolve around one central question: "Who am I ?" Even the business world ponders this crucial matter. According to business gurus, the first step on the road to success is asking yourself this very question:"What's my mission? What on Earth am I doing? Am I in the right place?" If you can't answer these questions, then you are wasting 90% of your time and energy doing things that are neither your mission nor your business! You will feel an inner anxiety, urging you to search for the deeper meaning of your life.

Let This Sink In And Feel Good about Yourself
Read this short story think about it and then decide which mindset you wish to adopt and which will bring you the success you desire. John is the kind of guy you love to hate. He is always in a good mood And always has something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I were any better, I would be twins!" He was a natural motivator.

What Is The Magic Phrase That Magnetically Pulls Desires To You?
You are a powerful being, much more powerful than you may have ever realized. Each and every one of us, are kings of the highest nobility. We have unimagined powers to create anything we want to experience. Yet most of us completely waste our lives because we are ignorant of our own incredible powers.

Tim Grandage: Profile Of An Extraordinary Leader
I have been meaning to write this article ever since that one fine January morning when I met Tim. Future Hope is a home for street children in Calcutta. Tim Grandage is the Founder. In fact, Tim was a high-level executive at Hongkong-Shanghai Bank in Calcutta when he found himself fascinated by the joy and the life-force of the street children.

The movie' the Secret' was about the law of attraction, and told us that we have to focus all our thoughts on what it is we truly desire, which, in turn, channels our energy in its direction, thereby attracting it to us with a magnetic pull. So, why is it that so many people still don't have what they want? I run into this issue quite frequently. My clients who are trying to apply the law of attraction will often say to me: "I think positive all the time. I'm focusing all my thoughts and energy on my desire and not its lack, but I haven't even seen a hint of a result. What am I doing wrong?" The important thing to understand here is that they are not doing anything wrong. The answer to their question lies deep within their subconscious mind, which is far beyond our scope of awareness. Unfortunately, a lot of people are pushing their fondest dreams and desires away on a regular basis, without any knowledge or understanding of how they do it. A major reason for not being able to attract their desires through the law of attraction is what is called a discrepancy. Their thoughts are in discrepancy with either their beliefs or their feelings. Let me explain. Suppose that you want to have a lot of money. You really want it, you think about it, you focus on abundance rather than lack, but your income just does not increase. At the same time, suppose that from very early childhood you've been told that money is evil, corrupt, and can only be made in large amounts through dishonest ways. Now, you're an honest person, right? The belief that money is evil is directly contradicting your desire, and that belief is channeling all your energy to making sure that your reality matches that belief. You can't really attract money into your life as long as you hold that belief, because that would make you a dishonest person. Your subconscious mind can't manifest such a conflict. So, that's why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The rich believe that they deserve to be rich and money is their friend. The poor, on the other hand, most of the time, subconsciously condemn money. How can you expect to get something you condemn? Another conflict is between thoughts and feelings. Suppose you really want to meet your soul mate and have a wonderful love relationship. You focus on love and consciously think about how wonderful it would be to have it. But deep down inside you are still hurting from the previous relationship you had. That pain you're feeling is actually keeping your soul mate away from you, because it gives off powerful negative vibrations. Until you let go of that pain, your soul mate cannot enter your life. Your subconscious mind won't let that happen! For the law of attraction to work, your beliefs and feelings must match your thoughts and desires, otherwise the whole process is futile. If they don't match, your feelings and beliefs will cancel out your thoughts and desires! Feelings and beliefs are much more powerful in channeling your energy than your thoughts. So, to get what you truly desire through the law of attraction, your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings must be in complete alignment with each other. To find out how to bring them into alignment, visit

About the Author

My name is Elena Krasnova and I am a Life Enrichment Coach and owner of INS-EYE-T Life Enrichment Services based in Toronto, Canada I naturally and easily help anyone direct their subconscious mind to achieve success in all areas of their lives.

Source: Motivational Articles on

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