6 Big Questions Every Coach's Website Must Answer
Posted by: Kenn Schroder Posted on: March 31, 2008
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If you want to convince prospects to hire you as their coach, you'll need to answer some very basic - but very critical - questions. Most coaching websites don't do this at all. Instead, these websites merely have contact information, a summary of credentials, maybe a picture of the coach and perhaps a simple list of services. Far from what you need to make a convincing case for your services.
Clearcut answers to these questions can make a big impression. Because coaching services aren't readily understood, and the value of coaching is often difficult to grasp, answering these questions is a HUGE opportunity for a coach to make a deep connection with potential clients - the kind of connection you need, in order to turn them into paying clients.
Here are the questions ...
Question 1: What is this?
A common approach to answering this is to say, "It's coaching." Labels in general don't convey much about any profession, including the coaching profession.
Another approach to answering this question is to try and explaining what you do such as telling them you will hold them accountable to their actions and will raise their awareness to identify opportunities. This method doesn't have much of an impact.
A more tangible and exciting way to answer the "What is this?" question is to phrase it in terms of what your prospect can clearly relate to: their situation, their challenges, their pains, their desires, their goals - factors that impact the client's life.
Therefore, instead of saying: "I'm a business coach" or "I'm a career coach," try: "I help you get more clients and increase sales" or "I help you get out of a dead end job and headed towards an exciting career." This is easier to understand and more exciting for your prospects.
Question 2: Is this for me?
There's no reason for a prospect to stick around if your website isn't suitable for them.
To convince visitors that your coaching is for them, you've got to demonstrate that you know who they are; what they do, what their typical day is like, what challenges they face... their thoughts, their pains, their joys.
If you show a prospect that you know them well, it leads them to assume, "You can do this for ME."
And this ties in with your niche. When you are specific about who you'll work with, the situation they're in, the challenges they face and the goals they want to achieve, it's much easier to show that what you do is for them.
Don't say: "I work with everyone." Say: "I work with professional men and women who are 20 years into their current career and want to make a major direction change."
If your niche is narrow, say: "I work with new mothers, aged 25 to 35, who are working full time in suburban regions and are overwhelmed with the responsibilities of being a mom, a wife and an income producer all at the same time."
Question 3: How does it work?
By answering the first two questions you've explained what you do and have shown that what you offer is for them. Now, prospects will begin to wonder, "How does your coaching work?"
Here's where you can put a simple, easy-to-understand framework around what you do, in order to show prospects how your services work AND how valuable they are.
For example:
"At the core of my coaching program there are three critical steps to success. They are:
1 - Define Your Intrinsic Goals - Intrinsic goals come from the heart. They are goals that energize, excite and make you feel alive, thus making success more likely.
2 - Remove Hidden Blockers - There are stoppers to your success that you are not aware of. We need to dig them out and remove them. It's like greasing the slide to success.
3 - Take Actions with Energy - With blocks removed, clarity, and motivating energy, you will make things happen - you will act.
A solid framework, process or system also says that you are organized; that you have a method. You have something that works. It satisfies the "How does it work?" question and, again, it shows tremendous value.
Question 4: Will it work for me?
Granted, you won't know for sure that anything works unless you try. But still, prospects have this question and need it answered. And it's another question that can emphasize the value of your coaching services.
Show that you've helped others. Use testimonials that specifically touch upon who you work with, the problems these clients have faced, and the results they're achieved. Be sure to spell out the results. For instance, instead of: "My business is better," clearly point out that: "My sales have doubled in one year."
What's more, give prospects free information, such as an article on a topic within your area of expertise, to help prove that your services do work. Articles that show your clients how to solve their problems translates to belief that you can solve their problems.
And, of course, the proof is in the pudding: Offer a free session to try out your coaching services. Whether in an individual, group or online format, a good sampling helps prove that your coaching does and will work.
Question 5: Why should I work with you?Your prospect has many options to choose from when it comes to solving their problems, including: reading books, going to seminars and hiring other coaches/consultants or professionals.
Here's where you need to give them something "unique to you," so that when stacked up against all the other options, a prospect can see that your services are different, and better.
Some examples:
*You work with a select group, like owners of diners in New York City.
*You have survived cancer (or have had a similar challenge to your audience).
*You've been coaching for 30 years.
And, as you explain your differentiation, emphasize the value:
* You work with a select group, owners of diners in New York City - and because of that you know it takes to get local New Yorkers to come in and eat.
* You have survived cancer and know the pain, struggles and challenges that accompany it first-hand.
* You've been coaching for 30 years and have accumulated more than 35 different techniques and used them with more than 2000 people, to help them succeed.
Point out your uniqueness, and explain why it's valuable.
Question 6: What do I do next?Up to this point in your website, your prospect should be very excited about working with you - and about a brighter future. You need to lead them on to the next logical step.
For many coaches seeking new clients, this is often a request from the client for a free coaching session. It could also be a free tele-class or qualifying assessment.
Whatever next step you choose, make sure it's very obvious and visually dominant. Make sure it's clear and explain what will happen when a prospect takes the next step.
For example, if you do a free session, let them know when you will get back to them, how to schedule the appointment, what obligations they face, how the session will be conducted, and the duration.
By taking a leadership role, you - the coach - will and lead your website visitor to their success - and to your growing client base.
In conclusion ...
You need to answer key questions in your visitors' minds, in order to help them make the decision of whether to hire you as their coach. Take advantage of this opportunity by giving clear, easy-to-understand answers and emphasizing the value you have to offer. It will help you get more clients.
About the Author
Kenn Schroder helps coaches who are struggling to attract clients. He provides web design, web marketing and search engine optimization to help you build a client-attracting coaching website. Get your FREE report and FREE newsletter to help you build a practice full of clients. http://www.CoachingSitesThatWork.com
Source: Web Design Articles on ArticlesTree.com
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