
Articles by Alicia Forest

7 Easy Ways to Ease Ezine Writer's Block

Business Articles    Posted on: November 27, 2007
If you publish an ezine regularly, inevitably there are times when you get stuck and can't quite come up with the perfect article for your issue. Sometimes just taking a break and coming back later will give you a fresh start.
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Pick a Topic, Pick a Date

Business Articles    Posted on: October 30, 2007
Have you been thinking about offering a teleseminar, webinar, or live workshop, because you know that it will increase your list numbers, showcase you as an expert, bring you new clients and customers, and be just plain fun, but you haven't actually moved forward with the idea Maybe you have too many topics to choose from and you don't know which one to do first.
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How to Triple Your Subscriber Rate Using Co-Registration

Articles    Posted on: June 27, 2007
If you're currently using an ezine as a way to build your list, and you're frustrated with the trickle of new subscribers you get each month, then you'll want to seriously consider using co-registration as a way bump those numbers up significantly.
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5 Keys to a Viable Niche

Articles    Posted on: June 14, 2007
If your business just doesn't seem to be growing or it feels a bit like you're pushing string when it comes to your marketing efforts, this conversation might sound both familiar and a bit uncomfortable: Me: "Have you picked yet" Client: "Picked what" Me: "Picked a group of people to.
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5 Real-Life Lessons in How to Get More Clients

Articles    Posted on: June 6, 2007
I'm six months pregnant and I did something recently I should have done months ago - I had a prenatal massage. Ahhh..... heaven. I've had this ongoing pain in my shoulder (on the side I carry my 2-year-old daughter, go figure) and it hurt to do pretty much everything.
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How to Do a Simple Split Test to Increase Your Sales

Articles    Posted on: June 1, 2007
Clients often ask my opinion about whether or not I think something (a new product, a certain price point, a sales page) will work for their business online. My typical response "Test it and see!" The beauty of working online is that we can easily and effectively test and track the results of any marketing that we do.
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How to Use Teleseminars to Find Out Exactly What Your Niche Wants

Articles    Posted on: May 31, 2007
Basically, there are two things that must be in place before any of your offerings can be successful (read: profitable). One is that it must be designed for a niche. So, there must be a group of people who you are targeted to offer your product/program/service toward.
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Your Free Taste Promo Checklist

Articles    Posted on: April 11, 2007
One of the most effective ways of getting people to discover and try your products or services is by offering a Free Taste - which is just that, a taste of what it is that you offer. Free Tastes come in many forms: an ezine, an ecourse, an audio program, a special report, etc.
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Your Personal Development Plan

Motivational Articles    Posted on: March 28, 2007
(excerpted and revised from my Polished, Planned & Prepared Program) This is one of my favorite parts of the program. I love defining goals because I know that the simple act of writing them down increases the likelihood of actually achieving them by 70%! Isn't that amazing So I wonder why more people don't do this I do recognize that it does take time to really think about what it is that you want and when you'd like for those things to be a part of your life.
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Crown Yourself Queen

Business Articles    Posted on: January 10, 2007
In the beginning of building their business, many of my clients seem to struggle with a common mental block, and that is being uncomfortable with calling themselves an expert at what it is that they do.
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