
Articles by Barry Allen

10 Convincing Reasons To Buy A PSP

Computers Articles    Posted on: July 10, 2007
In a world where technology is fast paced, the PSP brings many delights to its users. A handheld gaming console, the Sony Play station Portable takes you miles ahead as far as being tech savvy is concerned.
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6 Tips On How To Choose A Rental Car

Automotive Articles    Posted on: June 14, 2007
Renting a car can lead to confusion as there are so many options such as booking online, choosing a car rental firm, selecting a car, should there be a baby seat and so on. These days there are several websites that are platforms that bring together leaders in the car rental business like Hertz and the consumer.
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10 Must Know Check List Items When Filing Your Taxes

Money Articles    Posted on: June 8, 2007
As the tax filing season draws near tension fills the air and many people tend to get stressed. If you plan your tax filing exercise you can undertake filing of tax returns without getting into a flap.
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6 Ways To Make Hotel Bookings Online At Discounts

Outdoors Articles    Posted on: June 7, 2007
The woes of travelers have been eased by online bookings. The World Wide Web is replete with web directories that feature online bookings for flights, cars, hotels, and more. There are a great many advantages to making hotel reservations online.
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5 Tips On Having A Great Vacation Without Going Broke

Outdoors Articles    Posted on: June 5, 2007
Vacations are a part of life and the whole family looks forward to a break from routine. However with debt on the rise many families just cannot afford a vacation as it will just increase their debt burden.

Top 10 Tax Deductions

Money Articles    Posted on: June 2, 2007
According to statistics most people submit their tax returns without claim a few tax deductions. And just after they submit their tax returns they moan and groan about how much they could have saved. As a tax payer you must be on your toes and know what tax deductions apply.
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The Abcs Of E-Filing Tax Returns

Money Articles    Posted on: June 1, 2007
Filing of tax returns and computing of taxes is a difficult time for most people. Many have to rework their schedules and concentrate on filing returns. The popularity of the internet has led to many US states permitting tax payers to file their state and federal returns online.
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Understanding An IRS Notice

Money Articles    Posted on: May 31, 2007
The IRS notice can send shivers down the back of the strongest individuals. In fact they just seem complicated and intimidating. Take a deep breath and resolve to solve the problem by understanding what the notice is about.
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The Abcs Of Debt Management

Money Articles    Posted on: May 31, 2007
A few centuries ago people saved to tide over calamities , recession, and for family needs like sickness, college education, weddings and retirement. Easily available credit is fast turning society in the US and other parts of the world into a debt ridden one.
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Tips on filing late tax returns

Money Articles    Posted on: May 30, 2007
The date for submission of tax returns for 2007 is April 17th. In case you miss the deadline for some reason you must still file a return as soon as possible. In case you owe taxes the IRS will impose fines, interest on money owed, and penalties.
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