
Articles by Christina Doucet

Domain Name Disputes on the Rise

Domain Names Articles    Posted on: April 24, 2008
More people are attempting to make money off of the mistakes people make when typing in a well-known domain name, according to new findings from the National Arbitration Forum. People often invert letters or add an additional letter when trying to access a popular website, typing in goggle.
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Tips on Avoiding a Decrease in Traffic When Changing Your Site Domain

SE Positioning Articles    Posted on: March 19, 2008
As more and more users are turning to the search engines for more information after seeing offline advertisements, it is important to have your website rank highly in the search engines. Your site will see a lot of referral traffic from the major search engine such as Google, Yahoo and MSN Live as long as it is maintained correctly.

Benefits of Mediation

Legal Articles    Posted on: February 1, 2008
What is mediation? Mediation is often thought of as a negotiation between two parties, with a third party involved in guiding the process. In turn, this could be viewed as an “assisted negotiation”.
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