
Articles by Christine Harrell

Compare Residual Values before Purchasing your Used BMW

Automotive Articles    Posted on: May 25, 2006
Understanding the residual value of used cars can help you make buying decisions that can save you a great deal of money down the road. The residual value is the percentage of the manufacturer's original value that a car retains after ownership.
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Costa Maya Real Estate Buyer Series: Car Ownership Facts in Mexico

Business Articles    Posted on: May 25, 2006
One of the perks of owning Costa Maya real estate is the vast amount OF things to see and do in the local area. Roads in the area are well connected and the highway that runs along the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula has been recently renovated to make car travel even easier.
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Choosing Investment Real Estate in Mexico

Business Articles    Posted on: May 25, 2006
As in any type of market, real estate investment is a delicate dance of supply and demand. With investment real estate in Mexico, the supply side of the equation is simple as there is only a finite amount of land.
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What's Your Backup Plan for Customer Data

Business Articles    Posted on: May 25, 2006
Is it possible for you to wake up and find that your entire customer base is completely gone Speaking in terms of your customer database, the possibility is very real and also true for employee records, payment history, electronic documents, etc.
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Creating a Fool Proof Data Archive System with a Magnetic Tape Library

Computers Articles    Posted on: May 25, 2006
Most businesses have laws and regulations for how long specific data must be stored, but still many companies don't have a tape drive, tape libraries, secondary storage or any plan for archiving data.
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The Best Used Luxury Car Certification Programs of 2006

Automotive Articles    Posted on: May 23, 2006
The 2006 Intellichoice winners are in, naming a new round of luxury car winners in terms of their Certified Pre-Owned (CPO) programs. Rankings are based on a variety of factors, namely the quality of the used car warranty, availability of special financing, tile verification, return policies, and emergency road service packages.
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Generating Sales Leads Through Fax Broadcasting

Business Articles    Posted on: May 19, 2006
Fax broadcasting, also called fax blasting, is a highly effective form of advertising if executed correctly. Fax broadcasting allows a company to instantly deliver targeted marketing messages to a large audience for an incredibly low price.
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