
Articles by Christine Harrell

What's Better Than the Help Function in Excel Microsoft Training

Computers Articles    Posted on: March 15, 2008
Whether you are just learning to use spreadsheets for the first time or you are an old hand at Excel, everyone eventually runs into a problem. It might be an error on the sheet or you might be trying to find a way to accomplish a task, but eventually you will need help.
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Can You Afford PowerPoint Training If Your Company Has a High Turnover

Computers Articles    Posted on: March 15, 2008
Some businesses have trouble keeping employees for a long period of time. It might reflect the management style, the current economy, or simply be a reality common to organizations in that industry. Managers in these companies question the value of training courses.
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PowerPoint Advanced Concepts: The Importance of Design

Computers Articles    Posted on: March 15, 2008
At first most people see PowerPoint as a simple slide show program. Most user make common mistakes such as putting too much information on a slide, using a font that is too small, and so on. With experience and training they start to create better presentations and feel that they have reached the limits of PowerPoint.
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Using Microsoft PowerPoint Advanced Techniques

Computers Articles    Posted on: March 15, 2008
Judging by most office PowerPoint presentations, most employees don't realize that there is much more to PowerPoint than just graphs and text bullets. How many important points have your co-workers failed to get across in meetings because of dreadful presentations made with PowerPoint Advanced techniques make your presentations more powerful and effective.
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Learn about Subqueries in Access Courses

Computers Articles    Posted on: March 14, 2008
An understanding of queries is critical to database management. Without queries, you can't get at the information and the data is useless. Once you master queries, a subquery is a powerful tool that greatly expands your abilities to get exactly the data you need.
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Consulting on MS Project Gives Your Business Plan a Leg Up

Computers Articles    Posted on: March 13, 2008
Studies have shown that a clearly defined business plan can be the difference between success and failure for all businesses, regardless of size or history. Creating and managing a plan can be a difficult endeavour even for experienced managers.
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Microsoft Access Training Unleashes the Power of the Pivot Table

Computers Articles    Posted on: March 13, 2008
Microsoft Access has been a leading relational database product for many years. Each new version refines the concept and adds powerful new features, some of which can be overwhelming to the new or even the experienced user.
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Customized Financial Excel Courses in London

Computers Articles    Posted on: March 13, 2008
Remember VisiCalc For those who don't, VisiCalc was the first spreadsheet program for home computers. Released in 1979, it was based on the paper spreadsheets used by bookkeepers. For many years spreadsheet programs emphasized financial functions and lacked the more general functions available today.
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Pump Up Employee Competence and Morale with MOS Certification

Computers Articles    Posted on: March 13, 2008
Are you looking for a way to give your company that extra business edge Do you wish you could get more from your employees and yet also make them feel like an important part of your company's vision Studies have shown that companies that implement a Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification program see wide ranging benefits.
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Two Approaches to using Microsoft Project: Training and Consultancy

Computers Articles    Posted on: March 13, 2008
Project management software gives a business a competitive edge. With a clear plan, an organization can allocate resources efficiently and prevent process bottlenecks. However, with a steep initial learning curve when learning the Microsoft Project software, how do you approach an application like Microsoft Project if there is no staff expert Training and consultancy are two common methods that organizations used with project management applications.
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