
Articles by Colin Pederson

Dog Bite Attacks Kill - Are You Next

Pets Articles    Posted on: January 12, 2007
Did you know that over 4.5 Million people report being bitten by a dog each year. Dog's that bite are extremely dangerous, and it is important that all dog-owners take responsibility and the appropriate measures for dealing with a biting dog.
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Dog Aggression - Behavior All Owners Need To Be Aware Of

Pets Articles    Posted on: December 26, 2006
Aggression in dogs can be found in a variety of different behaviors and personality traits. Most dog owners only focus on the common aggressive dog behaviors such as barking, biting, growling etc... But it vital that you get to know your dog, that you can distinguish all types of dog aggression.
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Training Your Dog - The Basics

Pets Articles    Posted on: December 22, 2006
Having a dog as part of your family unit brings a sense of great joy and companionship. However, as a dog owner it is your responsibility to ensure your dog is properly trained and socialized to encourage healthy habits and behavior.
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Aggressive Dog Breeds - Nature Vs Nurture

Pets Articles    Posted on: December 7, 2006
Aggression in dogs does, and will continue to raise controversy in the ongoing 'nature' vs 'nurture' argument among dog owners and critics alike. Many people have misconceptions about what breeds aggressive and what ones aren't.

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