
Articles by George Levy

Market On Myspace By "Becoming Friends" With Your Customers.

Marketing Articles    Posted on: December 30, 2006
As someone who has spent over ten years marketing on the Internet, I've seen wave after wave of "the latest thing" in Internet marketing as advertisers try to find the most effective way to capture new customers online.
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5 Tips For Staying Safe On Myspace

Computers Articles    Posted on: December 25, 2006
There is no doubt that has grown into a worldwide phenomenon and it seems that every day, there is a new story being published about the site.
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In online sales there's no such thing as "you had me at hello."

Computers Articles    Posted on: October 7, 2006
We are all familiar with the famous line from the movie "Jerry Maguire" in which Jerry (Tom Cruise), after saying "hello" delivers a very long, dramatic and compelling monologue expressing his thoughts and emotions towards Dorothy (Renee Zellweger), only to hear her say "stop.

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