
Articles by Grant D. Robinson

How Hiring the Wrong People Can Kill Your Business

Business Articles    Posted on: December 16, 2006
There is no decision more important than who you hire for your business. The right people will make you money. The wrong people always cost you money. When you think about it, there is only one reason to hire a new employee; to improve your productivity and make you more profitable.
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Mediocre Employees Don't Build Great Companies

Business Articles    Posted on: December 12, 2006
"Greatness" is a goal of every driven leader. Though greatness can be defined many different ways. Here are some examples: * Becoming your market's most respected company * Double (or triple) productivity from one year to the next * Saturate your geographic sales area with the most profitable stores/office * Touch and improve the lives of more clients than your counterparts * Dominate the marketplace to the point that competitors are forced to close their businesses Whatever your vision of greatness is, here's how to build a great company as you accomplish all of your important professional (& personal) goals.
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5 Ways to Stop Hiring LOSERS

Business Articles    Posted on: December 10, 2006
Here's a fact, almost three of four hires disappoint their employers in the first year. Over the years, many of these business owners have referred to these people as "losers." Before we discuss how to Stop Hiring LOSERS, it's important to understand what a LOSER is.

The 3-Step Business Growth Formula

Business Articles    Posted on: December 7, 2006
To reach your organization's productivity, sales and revenue goals, it is vital that you continually grow your business. Are you currently meeting your revenue objectives If so, great! If not, you are not alone.
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Grow Your Business With TOP Performing Employees

Business Articles    Posted on: December 3, 2006
Is the staff that is keeping your business where it is now, the same staff that will take you where you want to be If you are not reaching your productivity, sales and revenue goals, it is time to figure out exactly why.
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The Three Reasons Your Sales Stink

Business Articles    Posted on: December 1, 2006
Is your organization currently meeting its sales goals Besides your market's leaders, who continually meet and surpass their sales goals, a good majority of those in your industry are failing to meet their productivity, sales and revenue expectations.
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3 Keys to Grow Your Business

Business Articles    Posted on: November 26, 2006
Are you on pace to accomplish your important sales and financial goals this year The truth is, a good majority of US Organizations have been unable to grow their businesses this year. They are not reaching their sales and financial goals and many have all but given up.
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The 5 Hiring Best Practices For Every Small Business

Business Articles    Posted on: October 20, 2006
You probably don't need a reminder, but it's already the 4th quarter of 2006. The year is more than 75 percent up. So have you accomplished 75 percent of your important productivity, sales and revenue goals If you have, congratulations.
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The 5 Hiring Best Practices

Business Articles    Posted on: October 18, 2006
The 5 Hiring Best Practices Every Business Can Use You probably don't need a reminder, but it's already the 4th quarter of 2006. The year is more than 75 percent up. So have you accomplished 75 percent of your important productivity, sales and revenue goals If you have, congratulations.
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