
Articles by James Munroe

How To Cope With Food Allergies

Advice Articles    Posted on: November 7, 2006
You just finished your seafood dinner and you feel bloated, short of breath and you are now coughing like your getting a cold. Most likely, you could be suffering from a food allergy. There are many symptoms of food allergies that go unnoticed daily, such as: hives, vomiting, difficulty breathing and swelling of the throat and tongue to name a few.
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Pet Health Tips

Pets Articles    Posted on: October 28, 2006
Loving your pet means caring about your pet's health. The health of your pet can depend upon its age, breed and environment. One area of pet health that most people can relate to is arthritis. Like humans, pets can get arthritic.

Go Hiking!

Travel Articles    Posted on: October 26, 2006
Hiking is an outdoor sport that requires no equipment. It's one of the least expensive sports you can engage in. It's basically walking, conducted in a natural setting. Some hiking is goal-oriented, with a specific distance or destination in mind, while other hikes take the form of rambling, with no particular goal other than exercise and enjoyment.
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Let's Go Camping

Travel Articles    Posted on: October 24, 2006
Camping is a terrific way to enjoy the great outdoors. It can also be an economical way to take a vacation. There are two main kinds of campgrounds: public and private. Campgrounds have facilities established for campers, including sanitation, showers, perhaps even shops and dining.
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Contact Lenses For Beautiful Eyes

Other Articles    Posted on: October 24, 2006
For many nearsighted women, contact lenses are their most important beauty accessory. Many women say they just don't "feel pretty" with their glasses on. Although many women think of eyeglasses as a fashion accessory, women who have to wear them all the time relish the freedom contact lenses can provide.
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