
Articles by Jimmy Roos

Here's How to Deal with the "What Ifs..."

Motivational Articles    Posted on: January 16, 2008
What is the thought that most often pops up in your head as soon as you come up with an exciting new idea If you thought, "what if" then you are absolutely right. It usually goes like this: "what if this goes wrong or it doesn't work.
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What You Can learn From Hillary clinton's Victory

Motivational Articles    Posted on: January 12, 2008
Searching for success and not getting it soon enough, (remember we are an instant society with instant coffee and instant tea), puts us under enormous pressure to succeed and perform. So we often forget who and what we are.
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Why Inspired Action Always Leads to Manifesting Your Desires

Motivational Articles    Posted on: December 18, 2007
If you are like me you may have heard someone say you must take inspired action, especially in law of attraction circles, and wondered just what it meant Inspired action means that the action is directed by your higher self, God, the universe or whatever you want to call the super intelligence, which knows all things and can do all things.
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Why Personal Injury Licensing is Important

Legal Articles    Posted on: November 16, 2007
Any person who happen to look for a personal injury attorney to help them with their lawsuit, probably have a long list of qualities in mind that they want this person to fulfill. One of these abilities would be that it should be someone who will look after your personal injury case with only the greatest of professionalism and care.
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15 Reasons Why You Should Use Autoresponders - Part 1

Online Promotion Articles    Posted on: November 2, 2007
Scores of people, even those who already {use|make use of| an autoresponder have not yet realized the full power of an autoresponder. This article shares 15 powerful and innovative ways to help you unleansh the full power of an autoresponder.
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15 Reasons Why You Should Use Autoresponders - Part 2

Internet Articles    Posted on: November 2, 2007
Many people, even those who already make use of an autoresponder have not yet realized the full power of an autoresponder. This article shares 15 powerful and innovative ways to help you unleash the full power of an autoresponder.
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Can the New Keyword Elite Really Do All the Things They Say It can

Online Promotion Articles    Posted on: October 30, 2007
Keyword search software have been around from about as long as there have been search engines. This is because search engines use keywords to find related results for whatever you search on. As search engines have evolved and become more sophisticated so too have the different keyword generator software.
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The 5 Ways To Explode Your Adsense Profits

Online Promotion Articles    Posted on: October 20, 2007
Google has always been about quality content, but now with an added twist, as it allows you to make money off your content. For those site owners who want to monetize their websites, the best way to do it is to go through Adsense.
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Adsense, The Advantages and Disadvantages

Online Promotion Articles    Posted on: October 20, 2007
Imagine you had that site on-line for a while which is receiving quite a healthy number of visitors daily and you're thinking whether or not to use AdSense advertising on it to make it generate some income.
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Can I Start Today With My Consolidation Process

Money Articles    Posted on: October 17, 2007
If you are in debt and you are tired of all the harassing calls and mail you receive from various creditors... If you are totally confused as to whom you should pay and how much... If you have too many credit cards and have no idea of how much you owe.
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