
Articles by Kale Jones

The Connection Between Speed Reading and Comprehension

Self Improvement Articles    Posted on: October 11, 2007
Possessing the skill of speed reading is often a highly overlooked tool that increases the results and worth of an array of individuals, ranging from students to proofreaders to corporate executives. In such a fast-paced world where taking the time to read a collection of pages can truly slow down progress, increasing the rate of material absorption can actually improve comprehension in the process.
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4 Goal Setting Techniques That Work

Self Improvement Articles    Posted on: September 15, 2007
When it comes to setting goals there are a lot people out there who don't know where to even begin. When a course of action needs to be planned out you need to take many factors into consideration such as personal development and time management.
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What Are The Basic Speed Reading Techniques

Education Articles    Posted on: September 13, 2007
As you sit down to study for a big test or finally decide to consume 500 pages of encyclopedia information - imagine how convenient it would be to digest the information at a faster rate. Speed reading is a helpful technique that allows one to complete more books, magazines, and other publications and texts than ever before.
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How to Create a Strategic Life Plan

Self Improvement Articles    Posted on: September 12, 2007
In order to achieve the things you see for yourself, it is important to create a plan for life, which acts as a guide into your future and well being as an individual. A life plan involves a wide range of factors aimed to elevate one's personal and social status in the world.
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How to Get Website Traffic From Social Bookmarking

Marketing Articles    Posted on: August 23, 2007
In making the Internet an easier place for users to navigate, the concept of bookmarking has become quite the commonly used tool. Whether you surf the Net using Internet Explorer, Firefox, or other selections, storing your preferred website links for future use is easy to accomplish when using "bookmarks" and "favorites.
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Pay Per Click Marketing Tips

Marketing Articles    Posted on: August 2, 2007
PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising is a tool offered by search engines and some niche sites, wherein advertisers have to pay when their advertised link is clicked upon. The ads served on the publisher's websites are based on keywords or keyphrases.
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Top 10 Pay-Per-Click Marketing Tips

Marketing Articles    Posted on: July 27, 2007
PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising is a tool offered by search engines and some niche sites, wherein advertisers have to pay when their advertised link is clicked upon. The ads served on the publisher's websites are based on keywords or keyphrases.

PPC vs. SEO Online Marketing

Marketing Articles    Posted on: July 27, 2007
When looking for a way to reach the public, website owners are searching for effective, as well as cost-efficient methods to advertise their products and services. In a world of innovative marketing approaches that take place across the Internet, pay-per-click (PPC) techniques and SEO (search engine optimization) are some of the most commonly used selections.
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How To Stay Focused At Work

Career Articles    Posted on: June 29, 2007
It could be a beautiful, sunny day outside of your office window or the nearby construction work is diverting your attention - sometimes it is quite difficult to stay focused. In the work place, there are plenty of distractions that decrease productivity, encourage procrastination, and wreak havoc on the overall day.
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How to Overcome Procrastination

Self Improvement Articles    Posted on: June 29, 2007
When it comes to seeking success and achieving wealth, procrastination is one of the biggest enemies that hinders the financial, personal, and mental development of an individual. Coupled with laziness and a lack of motivation, procrastination has the power to crush dreams and hold one back from accomplishing the goals they have set for themselves.
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