
Articles by Mike Morgan

Online Games- the most popular entertainment form

Computers Articles    Posted on: March 26, 2008
Online games today are the most popular form of entertainment among teens as well as elders. It is surprising to see a father son duo battling it out on the screen, both furiously tapping away at the keyboard or the joystick.
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Moonlighting Idea: Community Speechwriter

Writing Articles    Posted on: July 21, 2002
All sorts of people give speeches, not only politicians and executives of international conglomerates. Virtually every major life event involves some sort of speech. For example, toasts are offered at weddings, eulogies at funerals, roasts at retirement, anniversary, and company gatherings, and presentations at a variety of events.
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Becoming an Online Word Compactor

Writing Articles    Posted on: May 23, 2002
Writing for online publication differs from writing for print. One difference is length; online pieces tend to be less than 1,000 words in length. Long text passages are difficult to read on-screen, so the key to writing successfully online is to become a "word compactor".
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Converting Newsletter Readers Into Website Explorers

Newsletters Articles    Posted on: May 23, 2002
All the experts agree, if you want visitors to explore your website, you have to give them a reason; without one, they'll click away from your site. If you publish an email newsletter and own a website, here's an interesting way to promote viewing of your website's pages among your newsletter readers.
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7 Tips for Creating Effective E-Mail Messages

Email Articles    Posted on: May 7, 2002
E-mail is quickly becoming the dominant form of communication in the workplace. However, because it allows speedy composition, less thought is given to the message than when pen and paper, or even a typewriter, was used in the office.
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Top Secret Tips for a Perfect Color Scheme

Web Design Articles    Posted on: May 7, 2002
Many Web page builders agonize unnecessarily over choosing a color scheme for their pages. In addition to the color choices themselves, the proportion of those colors is also critical to the overall look of the Web page.

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