
Articles by Robbie Darmona

Ultrasonic Liposuction

Weight Loss Articles    Posted on: May 6, 2006
Ultrasonic liposuction (also known as UAL- Ultrasonically Assisted Lipoplasty) is used as a complementary procedure to the commonplace tumescent liposuction. It is largely acknowledged as additional but unnecessary extra procedure when tumescent operation is undertaken.
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Tips for Planting Flower Bulbs

Hobbies Articles    Posted on: April 17, 2006
Flower bulbs are extremely easy to plant and take care of. Moreover, many of the famous flowers are grown from flower bulbs: so you need to learn the basic rules of thumb to start planting your garden.
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The World of Herbs

Hobbies Articles    Posted on: April 10, 2006
Herbs have really become the passion of many devoted gardeners. Why so, you may ask -Because they are extremely simplistic to take care of. Another big priority that herbs have over other garden plants is that THEY ARE USEFUL.
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Tips about Flower Care

Gardening Articles    Posted on: April 9, 2006
Flower care means doing special procedures on cut flowers in order to prolong their life span. Cut flowers are easy to wilt, if they do not receive proper flower care. Flower care helps them retain their fresh looks for a long time.
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Flower Bulbs in Dry Climate

Gardening Articles    Posted on: April 9, 2006
Spring flower bulbs in dry climate can really grow into beautiful and healthy plants, if you keep to several rules of thumb. Gardeners from southern part of Australia are often eager to complain about the dry conditions that ruin the greenery of their gardens.

Logo Embroider: Ways to Express Yourself

Hobbies Articles    Posted on: April 9, 2006
Logo embroidery on headbands can feel a little bit overreacting at times. Logos were not used so much in the past years. But the trend is changing: logos are becoming more and more popular. You can see logo embroidery everywhere on clothes.
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Internal Ultrasonic Liposuction or External Ultrasonic Liposuction

Weight Loss Articles    Posted on: April 9, 2006
Today, liposuction techniques are branching off literally overnight. There are more and more techniques and combinations of techniques used by different surgeons for producing the best effects. As all surgeons claim to have the most effective technique, perhaps it is useful to spread light over the common delusions that mislead patients.
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Inuit Art: Modern Trends and Traditions

Entertainment Articles    Posted on: April 9, 2006
Inuit art can be best described as a ritual art. It is practised by the Canadian Eskimo, a minority group of less than thirty thousand people. The artworks of Inuit art can be found almost everywhere around the world: many rich and famous people spend their fortune collecting Inuit artworks.
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Picking up Roses for Your Landscape

Hobbies Articles    Posted on: April 8, 2006
Roses are greatly admired by gardeners as well as by ordinary diletants. They are the perfect flower combination for anyone's garden. Bouquets of roses and cut roses can add to the colorful ambience of your home.
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Your Home is Your Fortress: the Art of Garden Fencing

Gardening Articles    Posted on: April 8, 2006
Garden fencing is not just a simple way to protect from ruthless invaders. It has become a form of art, a nice addition to the whole decoration of your house. Garden fencing adds to the look of the garden itself.
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