
Articles by Ryan Oreilly

United States Postal Zip Code Numbering System

Education Articles    Posted on: February 28, 2008
Everyone knows what the zip code is, and what it is essentially used for, but how many people actually know how it works Chances are, very few actually understand the inner workings of a very common piece of the postal service puzzle.

Pictures of Cat's Body Language can tell you a lot

Pets Articles    Posted on: February 4, 2008
Pictures of cats' body language can tell you a lot about what your cat is thinking. But ask yourself this question first - is there something going on that would make your cat act the way it is Did something change in your cat's home environment A new addition to the household (human or animal) Did you play too roughly with your cat Pictures of cats' ears and tails will give you some of the information you need to get a handle on cat language.
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