
Articles by Will Kalif

Creative Summer Fun Projects for Dad and the Kids

Family Articles    Posted on: June 11, 2008
Summer time is a time to get outside. But being outside doesn't have to just be swimming and barbecues. Here are some great outdoor project ideas that dads and kids will really enjoy. They involve things that move, learning about the world, or building things.
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The History of the Terrarium

Gardening Articles    Posted on: February 28, 2008
The History of the Terrarium It is little known today but terrariums are also called Wardian Cases and this is in tribute to the man named Nathaniel Ward who began the whole art and science of terrarium making.
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Learn Video Game Design and Programming by Attending a Summer Camp

Family Articles    Posted on: February 26, 2008
A video game design summer camp is an extraordinary way to introduce a teen to the highly creative, and teamwork oriented world of game design. The industry of video game design is an extraordinarily creative industry and very similar to the Hollywood movie making industry.
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How to make some Mead today -the cheap and easy way

Food and Drinks Articles    Posted on: February 18, 2008
Mead is a wonderful and delicious wine brewed from honey rather than grapes and it is real easy to make. But typically you have to buy some specialized items like an airlock and a glass carboy. I will show you how with one trip to the supermarket you can have a batch of Mead brewing today.
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Mysteries and secrets from Medieval Castles in America

Metaphysical Articles    Posted on: February 18, 2008
When we think of a haunted castle we immediately go to visions of a castle somewhere in Eastern Europe. But North America has its share of castles and consequently it's share of spooky, unexplainable stories.
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Classical Guitar: How to improve your Right Hand Playing

Music Articles    Posted on: February 12, 2008
Right hand technique is often the most overlooked part of a classical guitarist's skill yet it is the most important. Improving your right hand will transform your playing from mechanical to brilliant and expressive.

A Guide to buying a Dobsonian Telescope

Hobbies Articles    Posted on: February 11, 2008
Dobsonian telescopes have revolutionized amateur astronomy by making large and powerful telescopes available at very reasonable costs. If you are considering buying one this guide will help you make the choice that is right for you.
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How to Make a Video Game Players Guide

Writing Articles    Posted on: February 7, 2008
So you play video games and maybe you are pretty good at them. Maybe you have thought about making video games but the task seems a bit daunting. If you have some ability to write and keep a lot of information organized you might want to try writing your own game guide.
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Easy and Creative Stop Motion Animation Techniques

Hobbies Articles    Posted on: January 31, 2008
Stop Motion Animation is a very creative hobby. It is also very inexpensive to start out in; and you can probably do it for no cost at all. All you need is a typical digital camera, some basic software, and a few ideas.
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Should you buy a Reflector or a Refractor Telescope

Hobbies Articles    Posted on: January 23, 2008
This article takes a look at the two main types of telescopes and explains the benefits of each. It will help you purchase a telescope that is right for your needs, budget, and wants. There are a lot of factors to consider before you buy a telescope.
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