
Articles by jonpeeoh

There Is No Karma

Spirituality Articles    Posted on: October 10, 2006
Wow, with an article title like that, many of you are reading so that you'll know the proper way to lynch me. However, my mission is to deliver the deepest truths to you, and so I'm afraid there's an ugly little weed in the garden of our realities that must be chopped away, and that is the notion of karma.
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Observer and the Observed(er)

Spirituality Articles    Posted on: October 7, 2006
So quantum physics tells us that the observer causes the observed, or at the very least that the observer interferes with that which is being observed by the very process of observing it. I've heard some people crying "heresy!" They do not like the idea that once the observer is not observing the observed, then the observed is not.

The Power of Three

Spirituality Articles    Posted on: October 7, 2006
It is widely understood that we live in a reality of duality. That without up, there can be no down. Without left, no right. And so on. And of course that is true. But there is an elephant in the room, and nobody's talking about it.
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Astral Difficulties

Spirituality Articles    Posted on: September 26, 2006
I've been out of the astral loop for a couple years, but I had a large amount of success over the course of about 4 years before this. Since then my focus has shifted and I haven't come back around to OBE efforts.
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For The Love of God, Shut Up!

Spirituality Articles    Posted on: September 20, 2006
After meditating last night, I came out in a strange place of clarity, which carried with me until going to sleep. My wife kept asking what was wrong, and if I was angry. I didn't know how to reply.
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Manifestation Scrapbooking

Spirituality Articles    Posted on: September 18, 2006
Here's a simple tool that will help you to focus on your desires and bring them into being. What is it A scrapbook! Here's the deal: whenever you see a photo of something you want, or of something like that which you want, say a fantastic house, car, thousand dollar bill, whatever, cut out the picture and stick it in your scrapbook.
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Surpassing Your Idols

Spirituality Articles    Posted on: September 18, 2006
Most everyone has someone in their life they look up to. Someone that they idolize. It may be in business, it may be a friend, it may be someone wise... Part of the process of spiritual growth, or the growth of your self as a whole, is to constantly improve yourself and set your goals as high as possible.
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Follow Your Intuition

Spirituality Articles    Posted on: September 17, 2006
Today I want to talk about how our feelings guide us toward creating the things in our life that we desire. When in the creative process, particularly during the waiting phase, we need to know how the universe creates a response.
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Cheating Faith

Spirituality Articles    Posted on: September 15, 2006
So, I mentioned a couple of times before that faith is an incremental process. I spoke a little of it in my e-book, The Secrets Of Manifesting Your Reality.
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Money Mantra

Spirituality Articles    Posted on: September 14, 2006
As I went over in my e-book, The Secrets Of Manifesting Your Reality, mantras are a powerful way to generate the focus and energy necessary to create something in your life. Today I would like to share with you a mantra that I have used to generate money for myself.
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