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The Top 5 New Car Buying Mistakes To Avoid
Buying a new car is exciting to be sure, but it can also be much more expensive than it really should be for most people. If you aren't careful you can wind up spending thousands more than someone else for the same kind of deal. Let's review the top 5 new car buying mistakes that many people make and see how to avoid them.
Buying A Used Car The Smart Way - Part 1
How can you buy a used car and avoid getting ripped off as you do This is a question that a lot of people ask themselves since more people buy used cars than new cars every single day. Car dealers make a lot of money from people making mistakes that cost them money in the buying process too. So being prepared is essential to buying smart.
Doing A Little Zoom-Zoom With the Mazda CX 7
Early this year, the building and production of another new vehicle from the Mazda Motor Corporation has already begun. And the stage has been set in Hiroshima, Japan, which is also where the headquarters of this giant automobile company is based. And this new vehicle that would soon be on sale this year is the Mazda CX 7.
How to Fix and Repair Headlights for Maximum Safety
Basically, fixing and repairing your cars headlights is something everyone can do. You could take your car to your local car dealer and pay hundreds of dollars or you could repair them yourself for as little as $15. I would rather keep my money than make my local dealer rich with their outrageous markups and prices.
The Quality of an RAC Car Inspections
You make the phone call and eventually after option 1, option 4, option 35, and the rest you get to speak to a person. This person will take all your details and money over the phone and tell you that an engineer will get to it straight away. This person although employed by the RAC is not an engineer and knows very little about the vehicle you are having inspected.
What Kind Of Car Buyer Are You
First thing you need to know is how to negotiate when you are buying a car. If you want to save money while you are negotiating, you should negotiate from the dealer cost up and not from the MSRP down. (the MSRP is the Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price or the sticker price). Dealer cost is not the same as the factory invoice.
MG and Austin to be Revived by Chinese Car Company
The famous MG and Austin brands that were familiar to generations of British car enthusiasts, are about to be revived by Nanjing Automobile Corporation, located in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China. The company purchased the assets of MG Rover last July for 50 million pounds. Those assets included assembly lines, R & D equipment, and several brands of cars.
No used car dealers can get through the trade without complying with the 'Used Car Rule' standard set by the Federal Trade Commission. Enforced in almost all states except Maine and Wisconsin, the said ruling is deemed to be adhered to by all used car dealers who are considered cheap used car dealers selling more than five used vehicles within 12 months.
All cars hold by the used car dealership and destined for sale, should identify the fact clearly on cars' or within them. This should remove any ambiguity and make the car identification process clear for the intending buyer. Of course, the dealer's location should also be clearly marked by a signage stating: 'Used Cars for Sale' or similar.
At the back of the sign, used car dealers must indicate the complete name and address of the dealership, along with the contact numbers where consumers could call on for possible complaints or any concern in the future. The sign is also called a guide, as it contains all relevant information that the buyer may be interested to know. This way, used car dealers can give confidence to the buyer and at the same time build credibility and reputation for good customer service.
Used car dealerships must also indicate important information in the buyer's guide in accordance with the national automobile dealers association used car guide such as the following: information that would tell if the vehicle goes with a warranty or not; the different services that the car dealer could offer (insurance, accessories, etc.); other promises that must be put into writing; the various mechanical and electrical systems; which parts of the used car should the buyer watch out for; a reminder for the buyer to look for an independent mechanic to handle inspection of the used car for sale, before he comes up with the final decision.
The question: which vehicles are considered to be 'used' The answer: all that have been titled. It's up to the individual dealership to provide proof of the ownership to the prospective buyer, and help him/her to confirm that the vehicle identification number is listed in the documents correctly.
The online presence is very convenient not only for the dealers, but for the prospective customers as well. The former can considerably reduce their administrative costs, by exchanging info about stocks' availability between members. Then, if a need arises, they can shift used cars between dealerships, as needed. The later, can search for their ideal used car make and model from the comfort of their home. If they're able to locate the used car they want to buy, even some 300 miles away, it can be shipped to the nearest dealership, conveniently close to their place of residence.
The requirements imposed on used car dealers by the state and federal authorities are designed to protect the customer and streamline the functioning of the second hand car industry in the US. Used cars dealerships are then able to maintain a uniform standard of service, and customers feel fully protected, having legal redress whenever their rights are violated.
It's all about getting thee best deal! From the buyer's perspective, all used cars dealerships have their stock seriously overpriced. But, the way the seller sees it is quite opposite. He thinks that buyers try to get an unrealistic bargain, and drive the selling price down too far, hence depriving the dealer of his profits. As always the truth lies somewhere in-between. The great majority of used car dealers are very honest and hard working people. Hopefully, you'll meet one of them when searching for your next set of wheels.
About the Author
Used car dealerships declare to be dedicated to delivering you the best deal possible. Glen Crawford's site provides you with the newest helpful advice when approaching used car dealers.
Source: Automotive Articles on
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