
14 Ways to Save Your Money and Improve your Credit

Posted by: Roger Chaumont    Posted on: February 9, 2006

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Blogs: Blogging For Money
Blogs have grown tremendously over the years and are now mainstream. It seems almost everyone has a blog these days, but not many people are earning money off these blogs. Just by utilizing a few free resources you can start earning some money from blogging. The first thing you need is to set up a blog.

Free Ways to Increase Your Blog Traffic
) Comment on Blogs Look for large traffic Blogs in your niche, visit them and leave your comments on their blogs posts. You may use blog search engine like, and to find blogs in your niche. 2) Submit Articles Write articles that are related to your blog and submit them to popular article directories such as ezinearticles.

5 Tips For Bloggers
I started blogging for personal reasons: to keep in touch with long distant friends and relatives. Then I added a Q&A blog ( for my magazine ( to host interviews I conduct with authors and entrepreneurs.

Occupation Blogger
Such phenomenon like blogging three years ago was perceived only like hobby. Today situation is changed. About opportunity of making money by means of virtual diary knows almost everyone internet user. Let's see how this statement is justified. Until recently earn money in internet was not easy. Create site, untwist it and make money advertise on them was possible to the little.

1. Plan Whenever you go somewhere that you know will cost you some money, make a plan. If you're going to do the groceries for instance, make a list and stick to it. If you are going on vacation, create an itinerary that you can stick with and stay with your allotted expenses. Failing to plan can cause impulse spending.

2. Budget This is one area many people fall in trouble with. They just don't do it. Create a budget and put it on paper. You will be amazed on how things become clearer when you see it all in writing. If you don't know how to create a budget, look in the yellow pages, some companies give free financial consultations.

3. Allowance Give yourself an allowance. Even if you're in the process of repairing your financial situation. It's important to treat yourself once in awhile or depression may set in and cause you to overspend.

4. Credit Cards It's just too easy to buy stuff using credit cards. You should only use these cards for emergencies. Did you know that on a balance of $1000 if you make the minimum monthly payment, it will take you over 20 years to pay it off. TIP - if you do have credit card debt and are in good standing, call them and negotiate a lower interest rate.

5. Break some of those old Habits. Keep track of where your money is going. Most of us develop bad habits over the years that often add needlessly to our expenses. How many times have you wondered to yourself - what did I do with my last 20 bucks? We often get into the habit of making small purchases without giving it much thought. Then wonder where the money went. If you don't remember what you did with the money, chances are you just blew it away.

6. Avoid Temptations Do you have some irresistible urges? Casino, lottery tickets, racetrack, drinking, smoking? Do you like to go shopping? Time to keep your allowance in mind. Resist the temptation. Think about it. My wife and I quit smoking over a year ago and the money we saved, paid for our monthly car payments (Buick Regal). Hmmm. Quit smoking get a free car. How about that one. Would you quit smoking for a free car? Just wondering.

7. Know when to shop If you do the groceries while your hungry, you will buy more food than you need. Everything looks good. Especially the junk food. Be sure to shop on a full stomach. If your shopping for clothing while in a blue mood, you will end up buying something that cheers you up rather then what you originally went shopping for.

8. Stop competing with the Joneses Stand up and be proud of who you are. You don't need to compete with anyone. Let Mr. Jones buy that brand new car and suffer the depreciation cost. You'll be smart and save your money while buying used cars in order to take that great vacation Mr. Jones only dreams about. Stay within your means.

9. Visit the Dollar Store It seems it wasn't long ago that the dollar store became popular. I always wondered why. All they had was no name junk that would brake the minute you got it home. That is no longer the case; the dollar store can often save you mountains of money. Name brand laundry detergent, school and office supplies, household items and much more. Be sure to visit them.

10. Be Debt Free Make a list of all credit cards, banks, other companies/people you owe money to. Target one of them. Pay them more then the monthly minimum and get them paid in full as fast as reasonably possible. Then target the next one and so on until you become debt free.

11. Needs vs. Wants We all have needs and wants. Sometimes the wants are a little too expensive aren't they? It's time to be realistic. Can you afford it? Do you really NEED it? Stay with your "need" list and you will spend less.

12. Refinance Consider a home equity loan if you own a house. Or Visit your banker and see if you can consolidate your loans. If you owe money on credit cards you can save a huge amount of money by doing this.

13. Pay Your Bills On Time Paying late fees is such a total waste of your money. Be prepared and organized when paying your bills and avoid this waste. Mail that cheque early. Nsf cheques can get expensive, and you get nothing in return. Avoid these errors and you will learn to make every dollar count. Make sure your money goes against the debt not useless fees.

14. Sell some Stuff Got stuff in the basement, attic or anywhere else? It's amazing isn't it, on how things accumulate over the years. What seemed like a great item a few years back is totally useless to you today. Wait a sec. it may be useless to you, but worth it's weight in gold to some one else. Gather it all up and have yourself a garage sale. Raise some cash. If you don't want to do that, you can sell it on eBay or even put an add in the local paper.

Live within your means and your life will be so much simpler. Let's face it, if you earn $40,000 a year you shouldn't be driving $100,000 car. It doesn't work. The quickest way to financial misery is to satisfy your "wants". Satisfy your "needs" and you wont overspend.

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Source: Blogs Articles on

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