
5 Reasons To Use Wordpress As Your Blog System

Posted by: Fidens Felix    Posted on: December 17, 2006

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I have tried many blogging system to hold my blog. Starting from free blog systems like to open source blog programs.

It is not until I found Wordpress and settle down with it. There are 5 reasons for you to choose Wordpress as your blogging system, in the order of their importance.

1. Search Engine Optimization Built-in Feature

Wordpress is programmed with Search Engine Optimization(SEO) feature. What I am talking about is the function of converting your blog article to URLs pointing to your blog article. For example if you have a blog like, you can find URLs in a format like this: Just imagine when search engine listed those URLs to their system. When people search something about 'Article Title' or about 'Title Here', there are big possibilities they end up clicking those URLs above. Thus, you will get traffic to your blog.

This SEO feature can be activated with only a few simple steps. Most people who use Wordpress don't activate this feature after installing their Wordpress blog.

2. Ease Of Use

I'm sure you don't want to get headache when using your blogging system, and concentrate on the writing part. That's why Wordpress is the right system to use, since the control panel's user interface is beautifully built. Even if you are new to internet and blogging world, Wordpress user interface can be used by you intuitively.

3. Rich Arsenal Of Plug-ins

Wordpress ethusiast programmers are plenty. They are making good and great plug-ins you can use with your Wordpress. There are so many of them that there are more than one plug-ins available to serve a single purpose.

Searching and trying which plug-in works for you can be a risky, tedious and time-consuming task. Here's a tip: ask person whose blog you read and in his/her blog you find an interesting function at his/her Wordpress blog.

Also you can use service that provides wordpress tutorials.

4. Rich Arsenal Of Theme

Besides programmers, there are also many Wordpress enthusiast web designers. They created plenty Wordpress theme you can use for free. There are downsides if you use these free themes:

- You cannot modify them as you like - You probably cannot find a theme that suits your need - You look unprofessional since you are using a free theme.

Thing these risks when you are considering a free theme.

5. Familiar To Readers

Last but not the least, like they say, Wordpress look is very familiar to blog readers. It is since the are many people are using Wordpress as their blog system. Naturally, many readers became familiar with Wordpress look. So, if you use Wordpress, your readers can easily walk around your blog.

This is a great advantage that can keep your reader's visit duration. 'Visit Duration Rate' is very important to determine how successful your blog is.

As a conclusion, despite a few disadvantages mentioned above, Wordpress still your best choice of blog system. Wordpress definitely will stay at the internet for a long time, and it is time for you to join the community if you have not yet.

About the Author

Fidens Felix, owner of Visiac, LLC - an online publishing company. Check out his archive of videos on tweaking Wordpress at his Wordpress Tutorial website.

Read also his insight at Online Business Blog.

Source: Blogs Articles on

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