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Top 5 Image Hosting Service
With digital photography becoming so popular, it's hard to find a person without a digital camera. With the idea of Mobile Cameras coming out of age, photography has become a passive hobby for many. With such advancement of digital world, what required next was a place to store and share these. A look at the options available for the users, one will really get lost in the sea of image host.
Understanding Blog Marketing
Marketing is a societal process which discerns or, in other words, distinguishes consumers' wants. Once those needs and wants are distinguished, marketing focuses on a particular product or service to fulfill those wants, attempting to mold the consumers toward the products or services offered. In order to fully grasp the magnitude of the wonders a blog can do for you, the blogger, it is essential to understand what you have in your hands.
Updating your blog
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The number of internet users is increasing everyday. This is because there are interesting and knowledgeable discoveries found online. What most people like on the internet is that they are able to send messages in an instant. In addition, they are getting more and more fascinated with other sites. Sometimes, people use the internet as their online diary or journal.
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The Sights & Sounds from the Fifth Column (SSFTFC), the Fifth Column Online Magazine is looking for contributions from talented artists in all sorts of media. As of December 10, 2006 SSFTFC is up and running and ready to accept contributions from you. You can submit images of photographs, sculptures, paintings, drawings, sketches, 3D modeling, animations, video and more. You don't have to be a professional in any of these areas to contribute, just want to have your work seen by a larger audience, and its all free of charge.
A Little Background: Before contributing, you should know a little about this publication. Designed to uphold ideas of honesty, creativity, individuality, acceptance, human rights, free speech and most importantly free thinking, SSFTFC is a collection of art, articles, music and more that loosely forms what I call an online magazine. Its purpose is to help talented people gain exposure for their ideas and their art or music, as well as promote the ideas of the site. If you share the same dedication to these concepts that I do, then check out "Become a Fifth Columnist" and submit your work today.
For more information on the publication, take a look at "About this Publication".
Why would I choose to publish here? In this day and age anyone can set up their own blog, website or photo journal so I'm certainly not asking you to pass up those opportunities to post here. Instead, its recommended that you post to your own site, and here. When promoting ideas on the web it can be difficult to get traffic to your site and so your talent may go unrecognized. By posting here as well, you gain the exposure of having your artwork linked back to your own site (links breed traffic) and having your ideas reach a larger audience. It also allows people who may not have the time to run a website of their own to get their artwork or ideas out there. I understand entirely that it can be nearly a full time job to promote a website. By having your work published here, you gain exposure and promotion for your ideas without all the hassle. The goal is that people will read this site just like any other magazine, meaning that people will read it because its a collection of things loosely based on similar ideas. This means that people who normally would not find your blog or site, will still read your articles or see your artwork because they are interested in articles, artwork or music of a similar nature. You can think of this as an ongoing blog carnival on the topic of the Sights and Sounds from the Fifth Column, but instead of being published only once every so often like blog carnivals, this is an ongoing publication with new items every day.
And you don't have to be a professional artist to contribute! Some of the best artists I've seen do not create art for a living. Instead they create it because they love it. Often times these artists don't get the recognition they deserve, so this site is trying to help change that.
What kind of artwork are you looking for? Thats simple. Anything. I regularly experiment with a variety of different artistic media and post the results on here. These posts range from photography, to 3d modeling, to drawing. Most items will be images (as obviously you can't post an actual sculpture) but it can be of any media at all. Even installation or conceptual pieces can be documented and portrayed. Our focus is not so much on a particular media or genre, but on a particular set of ideas, the ideas this site was founded on (see above). Building the artwork section of this site is important to me because I know there are a lot of talented people out their who deserve more recognition than they are getting. Although artwork is not about recognition I believe that talented people should at least get the chance to show a larger audience their work for free.
If you're interested in contributing check out "Become a Fifth Columnist" and submit your work today.
About the Author
Freelance Graphic/Web/Multimedia artist by day and Online Magazine author, editor and ownner by night. Owner of Sights & Sounds from the Fifth Column - The Fifth Column Online Magazine - Music, Art, Articles and More - Found at
Source: Blogs Articles on
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