
Scuba Diving - It aint what you do its the way that you do it

Posted by: Reiss Mackie    Posted on: December 19, 2006

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Some dive organisations appear to be hell-bent on getting as many people as possible to scuba dive. They are then able to release amazing statistics that suggest that everyone and his dog is scuba diving. I can hear a famous ditty ringing in my ears: It aint what you do, its the way that you do it! This logic applies very well to scuba diving. Its all very well that 5 million people throughout the world can scuba dive, however, its the way that they do it that really matters. It is often those -I can scuba dive- people who get into trouble underwater and are at risk of finding themselves in an -I nearly died scuba diving- situation.

Who is to blame?

The scuba diving industry or the individual?

The scuba diving industry is often given bad press for reducing their scuba diving training course requirements and/or course length. You could also apportion blame to the tourism industry who market scuba diving as a blissful recreation that no holiday is complete without! Alternatively you could blame society for our in-built consumerism and drive to spend money. However, it is also the responsibility of the individual diver to make sure he or she knows as much as they can about the risks of scuba diving and what to do if something goes wrong.

So, it is up to each individual diver to weigh up the risks and benefits of scuba and ensure they have a realistic view of what is involved. Ultimately, if you dive, the buck stops with YOU!

About the Author

Reiss Mackie is a SCUBA diving instructor living and working on the beautiful Great Barrier Reef in Australia. He is an expert on stress in scuba divers and co-author of The Scuba Diving Panic Management Guide with Dr Sarah Carney MBBS.
Visit his website and forum for more information on the psychological challenges of diving

Source: Blogs Articles on

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