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Like many sellers on ebay, you are probably small and independent and already have what it takes to double your online sales. I am not talking about selling more on ebay, or some new fangled way to get traffic to your ebay auctions. You do that already. What I would like to discuss in this article, is an eBay alternative. Do you remember how fun and profitable it use to be selling on ebay? I bet you even remember the first thing you sold, and I bet it sold rather quickly. Well, not anymore.
You see, with every peculiar change ebay has been making recently, such as not permitting sellers to leave anything but positive feedback for buyers, the continuous fee increases, and not being able to include a link to your own site from the "about me" page, sellers are eager to leave ebay: they want choices. Ebay has also changed their search function and as an outcome, buyers are not finding what they are searching for, so they leave the site. That coupled with ebay soliciting big corporations by affording them an unfair advantage over the small seller is putting small business owners, many who have made their living on ebay, out of business.
The ebay phenomenon grew out of the unique "flea market" atmosphere of folks from all over coming together to trade their unique and one of a kind items. Something is changing though, and it is not for the better. How has ebay gone astray? The current management are out of touch with what ebay was, and should be. They would prefer it if ebay became yet another mall on the web where you can purchase the same old merchandise found in local mart stores. Just look at the push for more "buy it now" type listings. Ebay was founded on the bidding process that people fell in love with. That is what made it fun.
If you are a current seller on ebay, and you are still earning money, then by all means continue to sell on their site. But please, consider also selling elsewhere so the next time ebay creates some new, strange rules that try to do away with the smaller seller (and they will), you will have an additional source of revenue to fall back on.
Where can you sell your goods if not on ebay? I can guess what you are thinking. I wager you believe I am about to advise you to seek out some new auction site and give that a try. Nope. There Is not presently any other auction site that can compare with ebay based on traffic.
There is a site that will enable you to sell your items without listing fees. You only pay a fee if your product sells. It is also a web site, that for the first time this past Christmas, beat ebay not only in traffic, but in sales as well. In fact, this web sites traffic has been systematically rising. For the first time, since executing its strange rules to squelch the smaller sellers, ebay's traffic has begun to decline. People are leaving ebay.
So where should you sell your items? How about The very same Amazon I am sure you have shopped at for books. Have you noticed everything they sell now? It is limitless. They are very user friendly, and are hoping you will give them a try. Many ebay sellers, both former and current are having wonderful luck selling at Amazon. It is truly the best ebay alternative.
About the Author
Visit my site at to learn what happened to me, and how to effectively sell your products on Amazon. Don't let what happened to me happen to you too. Discover the greatest Ebay Alternative and protect your business from getting shut down.
Source: Business Articles on
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