The Swipe File "Trap" That Steals Your Money
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Can Paying Attention To Your Headlines Really Make You Rich
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Recently, a woman was telling me about how she used an ad in her "swipe file" to create a promotion, and it completely crashed and burned. Not one single sale.
Turns out she simply substituted all the details of the original ad she was "swiping" with the details of her product.
Look, you might be able to get away with the old "word substitute" routine every now and then. And you might even make some good money doing it. But that sort of thing usually doesn't work. At least not from what I've seen.
Why Because swipe files are basically only good for "how" you say something...and not necessarily for "what" you're saying.
For example, I once wrote an ad to property investors in the United Kingdom with a headline I "swiped" from an old ad (from the 1950's) selling a television repair course.
The headline was: "Why Haven't TV Owners Been Told These Facts"
I thought, "That's a great headline! Lemme 'swipe' that bad-boy!" And my headline said:
"Why Haven't UK Property Investors Been Told About This"
The result
Well, the ad didn't exactly "bomb" (there was a nice curiosity element to it, after all). But it didn't do nearly as well as we wanted.
Reason why is because I didn't consider that the original ad I "swiped" was playing on a suspicion people had about TV's back in the day. TV sets were acting up a lot and people were really getting ticked off. And so the headline was structured to play on that aura of "foul play".
But the UK property investor market is not in this state of mind. And so I took a hard look at the market, and their state of mind as it is (not how I imagined it, but how it is) and came up with a different headline that gave us a better response.
Now, please, don't get me wrong here. Swipe files are extremely useful for wording specific phrases, closes and even entire paragraphs (I mostly use my swipe file for different "structures" -- to lay out the sequence of information in my ads for maximum effect).
But it's dangerous to play "Betty Crocker" with your sales pitch -- simply pouring all the details of your product into another ad, just like you'd pour cake mix into a mold -- without making sure the different elements of that ad jives with the market first.
About the Author
Ben Settle is one of the few direct response copywriters in the world who really puts his money where his mouth is - structuring his deals so he gets paid only from the results of the sales - and not on any up-front fees. Although Ben is not currently accepting new clients, he freely shares his ideas and tactics on his blog at:
Source: Copywriting Articles on
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