
300 Creative Dates :: The World's Most Creative Romantic Date Ideas

Posted by: Ana Serra    Posted on: January 16, 2008

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Hey there!

What do you have planned for your next date Is it something original How many times have you done that before Is it something amazing and oh so expensive How long will your wallet survive

Think back! How many different types of dates have you been on How many were unique and resulted in a wonderful memory I'll be the first to admit that I am lacking in the creativity department. My idea of a date is going to the movies, or out to dinner. If I am feeling extra enamored, I'll plan a great home cooked meal and a good movie with a lot of snuggling opportunities. Do you see the pattern there Movies... food... that's pretty much how far my mind gets. No really... that's it. I am really THAT unoriginal.

Are you like me Do you need ideas for creative romantic dates I originally learned of Michael Webb when looking for information online. I really liked the eBook I found so I looked up all his other works. One of the eBooks I found was the perfect answer to my lack of originality when it comes to dating.

The name of this eBook is 300 Creative Dates and it is one of the many books written by the bestselling author Michael Webb. Michael Webb has been teaching people how to build successful, life-lasting relationships for the last 12 years. For the last 17 years, he has been surprising his wife with great romantic dates keeping their relationship fresh and affectionate, just like in those first months of dating.

You can find Michael Webb's features in major newspapers in the United States, and dozens of magazines, such as Cosmopolitan and Men's Health. Did you pick up on that Those examples were of two different magazines, one targeting a female audience, the other targeting a male audience and Michael Webb was featured in both!! Michael Webb's books are not like many out there that target either a male audience or a female audience. Instead he writes books for both men and women.

In addition to publications, he has also appeared in hundreds of radio and TV shows, like Oprah Winfrey's show where he is featured as "the Romance Coach." Media calls him "The World's Most Romantic Man," "America's Romance Expert," "Mr. Romance," and my personal favorite - I just simply cannot avoid smirking at the sight of this one - "The Martha Stewart of Romance."

The eBook 300 Creative Dates is the perfect find for those in search of ideas for creative romantic dates. It is one of those books that you keep going back as it contains a vast pool of creative romantic date ideas suitable for different type of occasions, different relationship stages, etc. In 300 Creative Dates you will find tons of great date ideas for birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, special occasions, vacations, etc. It even has awesome date ideas for couples in long distance relationships.

One of the best features of this eBook is that while the ideas are original and passionate, they are not extravagant and expensive. In fact, 300 Creative Dates is full of ideas for creative cheap dates. The eBook contains hundreds of romantic dates that cost only $5-$20. I don't know about you, but the last dates I've had were way more expensive than that. Even my boring dinner and a movie date will cost more than triple that budget. By the way... having ideas for creative cheap dates also means that you will be able to afford to go on these romantic dates more often. Sounds good, right 300 Creative Dates shows you how you can spend a lot less while getting a lot more from your dates.

The eBook 300 Creative Dates contains over 100 pages, which translates to a lot of information. In addition to hundreds of ideas for creative romantic dates for all kind of occasions, you will also find the following:

Why certain dates have the potential to harm your relationship. Did you know that while the classic dinner and a movie date is one of the most popular, it can actually hinder the relationship of new couples

The Do's and Don'ts of Dating. For me, the key to being successful at something is not only about learning what to do, but also what not to do. I think anyone would agree that one mistake can ruin everything.

A collection of dating disaster stories that are not only humorous, but also serve as a great teaching tool of how to avoid those unwanted outcomes.

I found the eBook 300 Creative Dates to be really original and informative. It is great for people who are single as well as people in a new relationship, and even for those in a long term relationship. The date ideas the book offers are great for impressing your dates, as well as keeping a relationship interesting and passionate. Regardless of what the norm is, I found 300 Creative Dates to be suitable for both genders. There is no reason why only one partner should be responsible for planning and carrying out date ideas. So... to you who usually awaits a date invitation, get out there and surprise your partner by taking the lead and planning an awesome date.

The hundreds of ideas in this eBook make planning creative romantic dates quick and easy, leaving more time and energy for the actual date. As I mentioned before, the ideas presented in this book are not extravagant, crazily expensive ideas that you need to save money for months before you can recreate them. These are creative cheap date ideas that do not lack in romance and passion, and allow you to make the most out of the time with your sweetie without draining your wallet. 300 Creative Dates is a fun read that can change the way you see and experience dating. It was definitely worth the look, and I was not disappointed.

Go here to learn more about Michael Webb.

About the Author

I am a psychology graduate student interested in social interactions and relationships. Don't be known as the boring, unoriginal date. Surprise your partner with great, original dates. Take a look at this book full of creative,cheap, and romantic dates. Don't miss the free bonus - the eBook version of Michael Webb's #1 bestseller, The RoMANtic's Guide.

Source: Dating Articles on

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