
5 Dating Tips For Guys

Posted by: KV Chaudhary    Posted on: March 15, 2008

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Going out on a date can be a very scary thing for guys but they don't like to admit it. If you are trying to meet someone then you know it is not always easy to do. One thing that all guys need to do before you start dating is to find some dating tips for guys.

Dating tips will help you learn what to do on a date and what not to do. So if you want to meet someone and have more than one date with them, it is important that you follow these dating tips for guys.

Dating Tip #1: It is important that you always look nice for your date because your appearance will matter to the woman. You also want to remember to compliment the woman on how she looks because women like to know that you think they look nice.

Dating Tip #2: You always have to be honest about yourself and everything else. Lying will only get you into trouble and will make the woman stop wanting to date you. Don't make up things about yourself just to impress a woman because if they don't like you for yourself than you need to find someone new to date.

Dating Tip #3: Make plans ahead of time. You don't want to pick up your date and not have any plans on what you two will be doing that night. If you don't have any ideas then talk to other guys you know to see what they suggest.

Dating Tip #4: It is important to listen to them when they talk, but it is also important to talk a little about yourslef. How else will you get to know them

Dating Tip #5: Remember mom and use the manners she taught you. No woman likes to go out with someone who is a slob when they eat, dress or anything else.

To have a successful first date these are some very simple dating tips for guys that you can follow. These dating tips will also help you get a second date.

If you don't want to follow these tips then you don't have to but if you don't then you will find that it is very hard to ever get a date. Whether you want to be alone forever or start dating is totally up to you.

About the Author

KV Chaudhary invites you to visit his 100% free online dating site for singles. Learn more dating tips for guys or find a date, romance, or love. No credit card required. Free Gold Membership. To learn more you can join free here now:===>

Source: Dating Articles on

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