9 Stupid Mistakes to Avoid While Dating Online - For Guys
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Internet online dating takes patience and practice. Just because you are seated at your own computer doesn't mean that people will come to chat with you for no reason. Even in this medium of Internet dating, you must take the initiative and actively seek to contact those you like.
But even if you contact some people or they contact you, there are some incredibly stupid things guys are doing on Internet dating and singles sites ad than complain that all women are ignoring them.
Women are searching men which know to make them feel good and have great time with. They are looking for someone intelligent, someone who listens, a man with a good sense of humor, a well-rounded person with a positive attitude.
If you want to get some responses and even get to know closely women by online dating you have to stop doing the mistakes that are chasing all the women away. So:
1. Women browse profiles to find their match just like you do. Post a good recent picture of yourself, a nice picture that shows your sense of humor or style. Do not send women pictures of your "privates". They will ask if they want to see that.
2. Make sure your profile contains proper spelling and grammar. Women like an intelligent person. Do not ruin your chances with simple mistakes in your profile. Take some time to get it right guys and you will get a response.
3. Women usually like men with some class, so don't choose a nickname that has a sexual innuendo (unless you are on an adult dating site). You don't want to give the impression that you're just searching for a one night stand.
4. Don't use negative words in your profile. Women are much more likely to be attracted to a positive person.
5. Send individual emails and put some thought into contacting women on these dating sites. Women get 100 emails a day from all sorts of guys. If you copy and paste 10 exactly same emails and send them off you just go over-looked.
6. Show women that you are a caring person. Get to know the woman. Ask questions to learn about whom she is, what she does, etc. Don't talk only about yourself.
7. Do not pretend that you are willing to fly half way round the world to meet someone you have been chatting to when using online dating sites if you are not really serious. It's not fair on anyone including you. It's easy to get carried away with a lovely person seven thousand miles away, but are you really going to get out of that chair and go and meet them If you are, you have our utmost support and respect. If you are really only looking for someone in your state or close to home then stick with that and make it clear.
8. If you are married don't lie, tell from the very beginning. Women can feel this and it gets you nowhere. If you are sincere maybe you find someone who is willing to spend some good time with you.
9. If a woman tells you that she is not interested in you do not keep sending her messages. You are losing your time and she can complain that you are harassing her. Be patient, it takes time to find someone special when using online dating sites and dating services, like anywhere else for that matter.
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Source: Dating Articles on ArticlesTree.com
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