
A Look at Obstacles to Senior Dating Success

Posted by: David Kamau    Posted on: May 16, 2006

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When it comes to online dating, most senior singles create obstacles before giving themselves a chance. Let's take a look at some common obstacles to senior dating success.

"I'm not good with computers."

One of the main obstacles to online dating for older people is technophobia, though this is fading. Knowing this reputable dating sites make it as easy on you as possible through step by step guidelines. If all you can do is click the mouse and type with two fingers, you're good to go.

"All the good ones are taken."

True, the population of available singles narrows with age. But there still are still lots of potential partners out there. Surveys by dating sites indicate that the fastest growing demographic in internet dating is over 40 years old. Leading senior dating sites have databases of millions of senior singles.

"My family won't understand."

Another big obstacle: Having to look over your shoulder for approval from family members. Think of how a new relationship might benefit you by increasing your personal happiness. Except in peculiar circumstances, your personal happiness would in most likely rub on those closest to you in a good way.

"My sex life is over."

Barring physical or psychological problems requiring expert or medical help, sex life need not be over because of age. Many older people report healthy and active sex lives well into old age.

"Someone might find out."

This is one of the reasons given for not trying online dating. Consider this: what are the odds of someone coming across your ad among millions of others in one of the hundreds of dating sites out there And, what would they be doing there anyway if not at least entertaining the idea of dating online themselves

"It's not safe."

Horror stories in the press about online dating experiences keep senior singles away from this dating method. Negative news is what sells and naturally, will receive greater publicity. What the press does not say is that most of the negative experiences have their origins in free chat rooms. Dating site membership fees keep most havoc-wreckers away (why pay to wreck havoc when you can do it for free).

"I want to lose some weight first."

This and similar self-improvement "reasons" are excuses older people use to postpone dating. Understandable, as it may be, waiting until you are perfect will only prolong your loneliness. Get there and start finding your mate, then begin working on your physical imperfections.

"I will look naughty, desperate or perverted."

There are senior dating services and senior dating sites dedicated to older people seeking partners within their age group. Young people are not allowed on these sites. Most of the senior singles in these sites are sincere, lively people who have or have been in thriving and respectable careers.

Yes, senior dating online is alive, vibrant and very decent. Give it at try. It works.

About the Author

David Kamau is webmaster of Find top-rated dating services for seniors seeking love, marriage, friendship, fun and more at:

Source: Dating Articles on

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