a New Beast in Town...
More Dating Articles
The Right Formula For Choosing Mr/Ms Right
As a dating and relationship expert, I am frequently asked for advice about HOW to choose the right partner. The question is often centered on the qualities that are found in lasting, healthy unions and how we can know if the people we are choosing to date are a good match for us according to these.
Technology And The Loss Of Intimacy
They met in a club and even though he was not her "type", she agreed to a date because he was nice and she didn't know how to say "no." They made plans for tonight to have dinner and see a movie. However, as the appointed time draws nearer, she is frantically thinking of how she can get out of this date.
Dating communication Do's & Dont's
A very important ingredient to having a superior relationship lies in good communication. In fact, it is almost impossible to have any kind of relationship with a person unless you are able to relate to him or her. The ability to communicate effectively means that you have to pay close attention and to listen very carefully.
25 Dating Strategies and Tactics
To find a long term relationship, you must go after it. It probably isn't going to fall into your lap. Here are some tips to improve your success. 1. You have to go after the one you want and then win them over. Be a friend - show attention, understanding, acceptance, and appreciation. 2. Satisfy emotional needs- show interest and listen to them.
Partnership Originated From A Dream
A few years ago I - Natali - was still living in Russia and had never dreamt of living in a foreign country. On a beautiful sunny day, back in 1996, when I worked as a kindergarden-teacher, we were given notice that our kindergarden was about to be closed down.Two months later I was out of work. Totally by chance - as it happens often - I discovered an ad in the newspaper, where a company offered work for AuPair girls abroad.
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Dates
Having good pictures in your profile is crucial if you are to be successful in the world of online dating. Follow the guidelines below and your profile will stand out from the pack! No Web Cam or Cell Phone Pics! It is best to avoid using any pictures that were taken from web cams or cell phones.
Living Outside Yourself
One of the most attractive things about someone is their ability to live outside of themselves. Think about it: We are drawn by those unusual people who give all the money that they win to charity, we are emboldened by the single parent who is literally killing herself with three jobs to give a life to her son that will benefit him.
There is a new beast in town and his name is "the metro-sexual man"!! Yes, this man can be hetero-sexual or homo-sexual or even bi-sexual, but all this has nothing to do with the "metro-sexual man"!
So what on earth is a metro-sexual man Well, picture a clean, healthy looking, decently dressed, clean shaved guy. Now picture him in his morning routine...
He gets up, takes a shower and starts his facial cleansing procedure. No, he is not gay! He is metro-sexual. He knows he needs to take care of his skin and he does so with the same vigour as any full blooded woman would, with lotions and potions and face masques and more!
After that, he may dress comfortably in mismatching clothes, but he looks good in it, so no one worries. He may even take a break during his lunch hour and rush off to his favourite manicure parlour for a quick manicure. No, no crazy colour nail varnish, just clean, short, very well taken care of, nails. And if there is time, he might even consider a pedicure... or facial... whichever he feels he needs that day!
His evening routine would be also much different than just getting home and slouching down on the chair with a drink in hand and waiting for his dinner to be served. Nope, not the metro-sexual beast. He will go home, put a chef's hat on and start cooking the most delicious dinner. Without messing up the kitchen. And when the evening has passed, he will dutifully assist you (his lady) with the dishes! Sounds unbelievable, but this metro-sexual man is any woman's dream come true.
Girls, if you find one, hold on for dear life! And then spoil him by rushing out to buy him a 100% Silk Tie with matching Cufflinks!
And before you know it! He will have returned the favour 7 fold!!!
About the Author
I manage two sites namely NATHealth that focuses on Women and Skin Care and
OnlineWORKNET where I aim to help others to conquer the hurdle of making money online.
Source: Dating Articles on ArticlesTree.com
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You Need To Omit This From Your Profile
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You Know Your Profile Is Good If...
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You Can Capture His Attention
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You Can Capture Her Attention
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You Can Capture Attention Online
And you thought you could only capture attention offline! I guess I should restate that...You Can Capture Positive Attention Online! It really takes a concerted effort. Just remember, what works on one site will work on almost all sites! You can capture attention online by first putting up an eye catching profile.