
Are Men and Women Equal

Posted by: Filippo DiStefano    Posted on: March 31, 2006

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Ah, the endless question. Fact of the matter is that men and women are equal, but they are so in separate ways. Their parts and components sum up to an equal value, but that doesn't mean all their parts are equal.

A man and a woman are evolutionarily designed to be perfect complements, not substitutes. What a man can't do well, a woman can do with ease. What a man can do with ease may baffle a woman.

A woman can handle two babies crying at the same time, while cooking on a hot stove and talking on the phone with her friend. A typical man would die at the mere thought and would lack the multitasking ability to do this effectively. Meanwhile, a common man could more easily come to kill another man if push came to shove. Or he could make a heartless business decision for the benefit of his family that would morally conflict with a typical woman.

These are all extensions of how humanity has evolved through the millenia - women tending to the micro (i.e. localized issues invlovling the house and family) and men tending to the macro (i.e. broad issues like hunting, war and other tasks that leave little room for empathy and sentiment in the face of survival). We often lack attention to detail and sensitivity. Meanwhile, they often have trouble viewing problems from a "top-bottom" perspective.

It's important to note that just because these tendencies are so, doesn't mean they can't be reversed. After all, a women could kill another woman, run a business or a farm, and a man could learn to manage a household and rear kids, and be sentimental. Part of this is social conditioning, part is engraind in the genes. But no matter what some butch, politically-correctness seeking, bra-burning femenist will tell you, these differences exist, and they affect the way we as men interact with women. A man can't have a baby. And a woman can't shoot semen across the room. So the differences exisit, from the physiological all the way to the mental. As such, if you are to look for success with women at all levels: sex, relationships or even for one-night stands, you must play heavily on their emotional inclinations.

We often prioritize raw reason, they often prioritize emotion. And we each do so because that's how we evolved. If you want to succeed with women, you have to realize this and you have to understand that pure reason will not lead you to get laid or a comfortable, successful relationship.

They understand that we are easy creatures of sex and one-track minds. And they can use this to control us. But if we were only wise enough to understand a woman's emotional machine and the endless sensitivity and anxiety that runs through them, we could understand how to get them into bed, how to avoid fights in a relationship, how to make them happy. Basically, how to unlock them to your advantage (if you want to be selfish), or better yet, for the advantage of both of you in a fruitful relationship.

Either way, whether you want to screw 'em or love them, if you can't understand that the common woman leans towards emotion more than the common man, you can't understand how to take advantage of this difference for the purpose of your desire.

About the Author

Visit College Sex Guide for Sex and Dating Advice and an eBook for the common college guy to master dating, women and sex.

Source: Dating Articles on

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