

Posted by: Tanya Haden Tebb    Posted on: December 12, 2007

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First Date Guide for Men: How to Have a Successful First Date
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Top 4 Dating Online Safety Tips
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Attitude Matters - Staying Positive To Get Back Your Ex
I know that it can be a really depressing and angry time when you're dumped by your girlfriend, but losing your cool is no way to get her back. If you want to get your ex girlfriend back, you'll have to keep your head on and think positively! You ever heard the phrase "attitude makes the difference" It's a slogan for some ad campaign.

Online Dating Safety 101
It's safe to say that computers are now universal and have opened up new lines of communication that never existed before. The world has become a global community where we can reach out across cyberspace to touch someone, whether down the hall or in another country, in mere seconds with just a few keystrokes.

Are you aware that every THOUGHT creates some sort of ATTRACTION

Have you ever asked yourself why the mugger picks a certain person

Each of us emit signals like radar with our thoughts and those around us pick up those signals and act in accordance.

In matters of the heart it is very important to realize this. It is through no coincidence that over and over you attract men of the same type and the same dramas repeat again and again.

If you are sitting there thinking "I'm fat, I'm fat" you can be sure the other person is too!

Maybe you are fat or maybe you are just feeling fat that day, but what about choosing better thoughts like "my hair looks great" or "I feel sexy in this outfit".

Improving your thoughts by focusing on your good qualities will;

1. Boost your confidence

2. Draw people to you who appreciate your good qualities

Start treating yourself with love and respect TODAY and you will notice men coming into your life and doing the same.

Never settle for second best. You are as worthy as your thoughts will allow.

Believe you are worthy of all your desires and they shall be yours.

Believe in love and love will come your way.

About the Author

If you are ready to learn more about attracting (and keeping) your very own Mr. Right, then you are ready for the newly released groundbreaking eBook, "How to Attract Men--The Goddess Secrets." Written by acclaimed International Relationship Expert and Renowned Hypnotherapist, Tanya Haden Tebb. Visit to get one step closer to attracting him starting right now.

Source: Dating Articles on

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