Attracting and Seducing Women: How to Use 'Option Limitation' to Maximise Y...
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Truthful Profiles are Most Successful
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Foreign Love
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The Right Way To Use An Internet Dating Site
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Some great Ideas for you
The following list should help you sort out how you can best spend those precious few hours. If you want to be safe The most popular first date is going to the movies. Not only does this choice cut down on the pressure to talk, but it gives you something to talk about. If you want to make it a bit more exotic, suggest an offbeat choice a foreign film, a highly rated independent film, or an IMAX production.
Speed Dating. Up To Twenty Dates In One Night
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Online Dating - Interview with Women
I have written an article where I interviewed men who have used online dating services and actually went on real dates with women they met. Now I am going to interview some women who have met their dates through an online dating service to get their reaction and stories. One note, while safety applies to both men and women, it needs to be said, that women need to be especially careful when deciding to actually meet any man they met online.
Getting girls to feel an attraction for you - that isn't simply based on your looks, the contents of your wallet or the car you've got parked outside - can be really tricky.
After all, how are men supposed to know what each girl's looking for without asking
If you DID ask, you know your chances would be small, after all, no girl wants a guy approaching her with needy questions - she wants a confident man who somehow seems to know what she's after and can give it to her.
So how do you do it
How do you become the man that effortlessly exudes confidence, dominance and presence, without turning into an arrogant poser or desperate wannabe
The answer lies in psychology. It's at the heart of all persuasive social situations, and absolutely central to the success of any guy's attempts at attracting and seducing women. Quite simply, by learning the CORRECT psychological rules, principles and tactics, any guy can play and WIN at the game of seduction. For example, let's look at one such psychological technique, that used correctly boosts any guy's chance of getting a girl's number or hooking up with her at a later date by at least 50%, each and every time he uses it. It's called option limitation and works on the following principle of human nature:
When someone's presented with only a single choice, often their natural reaction will be to rebel against it and go their own way. However, when given 2 or 3 options, the opposite occurs: they feel their intellectual freedom has been respected and they make their choice from the variety of options they've been presented with.
You can use this universal psychological principle when picking-up or seducing a woman by carefully constructing how you pose important questions or phrases while talking to her.
For example, most men think saying: "Can I have your number" is an okay way to finish a conversation that's gone well with a girl. But a much more powerful and effective way of saying the same thing would be to use option limitation. Something like: "It's been nice to meet you. Shall we swap numbers or maybe grab a bite to eat and a drink tomorrow" What you're doing is presenting the girl with a choice between good and better - whichever she says yes to, you win. If you only give her one option, as in the first example, she's likely to create her own alternative, which means there's a chance she won't say yes to the option you gave her. When she subconsciously recognises that she's been given a choice between multiple outcomes, she feels her intellectual freedom has been respected and she chooses one of them.
So, always use option limitation to give the impression there's a variety of options available to the girl - even though each one is fine as far as you're concerned. And to strengthen the effect of option limitation, always try to separate the choices you give the girl with the word "or." When people hear "or" they automatically recognise that they need to make a choice, and therefore do just that.
Option limitation is just one example of how, whether they know it or not, men who are successful with women CREATE that success for themselves - not through luck or good fortune.
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About the Author
Tiffany Taylor is the female author of GuyGetsGirl, a special guide for men that reveals all the dirty tricks women play on guys each and every day. And, most importantly, how men can turn the tables on women by using special psychological techniques to attract and seduce them, anywhere, anytime...effortlessly.
Source: Dating Articles on
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