
Big Bucks And Beautiful Women

Posted by: melvin polatnick    Posted on: March 10, 2008

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The best thing about being rich is having the opportunity to have sex with the most beautiful women in the world. That is the prime reason why men struggle so hard to obtain wealth. It is worth the struggle because there is no joy as great as having a trophy woman in your bedroom even for a short time. Some call a rich mans beautiful date a hooker, and they might be right. A rich man wants the best and he will pay big bucks to get it.

The beautiful hooker is psychologically and physically by far the highest form of a woman. That is the reason why she is so expensive. Her customers come from the cream of society and they expect her to not only be good in bed but also to have an upbeat and interesting personality. The ordinary woman could never qualify to take her place. It is true that the hooker is seldom in touch with her family, but what good is a family when her tastes are basically material and sexual. You might call her cosmopolitan because she loves the culture of city life. Her walk-in closet is full of the most expensive designer clothes and she has invested heavily in mutual funds. That is for the rainy day when she loses her looks. Everywhere she goes men smile at her and ask her for a date. But if she senses that they won’t meet her bedroom fee she quickly gets rid of them. That is the profile of the high priced hooker.

They search for the best things in life and that search often ends in the bedroom of an expensive hooker. Many rich men have fallen in love with their favorite hooker and the reason is obvious---hookers carry little mental baggage. They are focused on having fun, enjoying expensive vacations, and care about nothing else. She is the perfect match for the rich man that sees the world as his playground.

It is important for a rich man to have as many sons as possible in order spread his genes into a new generation. That is his way of genetically keeping himself alive. He does this best by impregnating as many expensive hookers as possible. He rarely sees his offspring because most rich men find them to be boring. Each hooker receives a substantial amount of money to bear and rear them in secret. The combination of a beautiful mother and intelligent father gives them a tremendous genetically powered advantage. They are often intelligent and attractive.

The rich man enjoys the luxury of a large home with enough rooms to entertain his guests. But all his parties must have a beautiful and personable hostess and that is the main reason mister rich man marries his favorite hooker. Not only does she entertain his friends verbally but she will accommodate them sexually. The parties could easily be called a sex orgy and all the guests will have a great time. This is life in the fast lane and it is a wonderful and beautiful road.

It is true that power corrupts but I don’t believe that corruption is the right word to use. The rich man is free to lead almost any lifestyle he chooses. Ordinary people are confined to the watchful eyes of their neighbors and employers. But if they are let out of their cage with a sudden influx of money they might make the rich man seem puritanical. Let us not be critical of a rich men and their hookers , because we all would share their pleasures if given the opportunity. Just say that they are picking the best fruits from the tree of life. melpol

About the Author

Retired and single. Lover of the seashore and writing.

Source: Dating Articles on

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