
Breaking Up: Guide to Couples Falling Out of Love

Posted by: Gerry Restrivera    Posted on: May 15, 2007

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Imagine yourself finding that special man or woman in your life. He or she just simply complements you in everyway and you find yourself falling so fast, so head over heels over this person that life becomes the proverbial blur. The two of you start dating, it gets serious, and finally you start to have that sense of seeing white picket fences. You introducing him or her to mom and dad and imagining all those years of contentment the two of you will be spending with each for the rest of your lives. On this stage, you have no idea about couples falling out of love.

But...and there's a big but, you start to notice a few quirks here and there. Later, these little quirks turn into full blown objects of contention and you wonder, why, where and how did you ever not see this coming. And the truth is, it just happens and while there are those times when you want to work and fight for your relationship, sometimes happens, couples falling out of love.

Love is a tough business

We have to simply acknowledge the fact that not all relationships are meant to work out. While its not applicable to everyone, that fact that you are reading this article means that there are some sizeable doubts about one's current relationship and you might be experiencing what they call couples falling out of love. Ask yourself these questions if such is the case:

-Are the two of you growing as individuals

-Where are the two of you heading

-Is the relationship becoming stale

-Is there something that you are looking for that your partner simply does not provide

If the answer is yes to any of these questions then perhaps its time to rethink your relationship and you might be on that stage of couples falling out of love.

So you've made the tough choice (or the choice was forced upon you) and now you've found yourself in what Catholics call, blessed single life but you find yourself missing your ex. Honestly, that is not the end of the world. The simple truth is that there are so many people out there who are as engaging, as funny, or more balanced than the last person in your life or perhaps more so. There's a reason for couples falling out of love and why the two of you broke up and isn't likely that it will ever work out again between the two of you unless some very fundamental and monumental changes take place. So take it upon yourself to concentrate on a more important person in your life: yourself. Find the time to improve yourself, indulge in charity, set better and higher goals for yourself, and take up spirituality to find that balance that you may feel is lacking. Don't let these things couples falling out of love and breaking up prevent you from enjoying life.

Have faith

Sometimes, life has a way of showing us that there are greater and better situations and people in store for us. It's not the end of the world if you fall into this thing of couples falling out of love. Not every mishap or personal calamity is a sign of ill fortune. Learn to forgive, forget and let go. Find the time and way to reconnect with yourself and trust in your own sense of purpose and decisions and who knows, that small misfortune and heartache might just be an avenue to actually meeting someone who truly completes you.

In case you realize that you really want to work things out and you really miss your partner, then you have to do something. Did you know that you can still do something even if you are in that stage of couples falling out of love

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To know more about love, dating and weddings visit All About Relationships

About the Author

Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including Breaking Up: Guide to Couples Falling Out of Love. How to Rekindle Lost Love. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.

Source: Dating Articles on

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